Unvaxed mom dies of COVID days after birth


An unvaccinated mother of four died Friday after a battle with COVID-19.

Samantha Willis, 35, contracted the virus while she was pregnant, giving birth to her baby, Eviegrace, then passing from COVID-19.

She died at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry, Northern Ireland, and her funeral was held at St. Columb’s Church, Londonderry, two weeks after giving birth.

At his funeral, his newborn baby, Eviegrace, followed his coffin in the procession alongside his close friends and family.

Willis was never able to hold or even meet his newborn baby due to the debilitating disease that has killed more than 4.4 million people worldwide.

At the funeral, Joe Clifford, who was leading the service, also baptized the newborn, saying it was the first time he has held both a funeral and a baptism. While on duty, according to the Belfast Telegraph, he said he “speaks of death and life all intertwined.”

Funeral of Samantha Willis
At Willis’ funeral, his newborn baby followed his coffin.
PA Images via Getty Images

He also added: “It is sadness and joy at the same time, but never brought together so closely as that. And the joy of the baptism of this new life does not minimize death, but rather the sadness that brings us all here in the context of faith.

Willis’ husband Josh urged people to get vaccinated against the coronavirus on Twitter.

“I spent hours in intensive care Thursday / Friday with my wife who passed away,” he tweeted. “It’s real, the numbers are real. Get vaccinated so you or your family don’t have to go through what I had to go through. As I write these lines I am lying next to her, she is 35 years old, unvaccinated and in a coffin. Let it sink! ‘

Twitter users sent condolences in their responses, telling Josh they were sending prayers and love for his family.

“So sorry for your loss, heartbreaking reality” wrote a user, who said they pray for the family.

While most of the tweets shared feelings of grief, others were linked to the shocking tragedy over their own loss during the pandemic.

“I lost my unvaccinated 42 year old twin 4 weeks ago,” wrote someone else. “It’s completely heartbreaking.”

Josh, who runs a supply company, posted a moving tribute on Facebook in honor of his late wife, calling the tragedy “the worst day of his life.”

“Samantha has fought hard over the past 16 days, but in the end it just wasn’t enough,” he wrote. “All I want to do now is make Samantha proud. I’m sure she already has her eyes down and proud of the way we are doing. We’re also proud of her, she. was a wonderful, loving and caring person and she has been our super heroine for the past few weeks. She is now our Guardian Angel and she will remain in our hearts and thoughts forever. “

He continued, “I will make sure that Eviegrace knows all about the mother she will never meet. I will not let anyone forget you and I will remember all the special moments and experiences that we shared together.”

Josh and Samantha Willis
Willis is survived by her husband, Josh, who urged unvaccinated people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after his tragic loss.

A GoFundMe has been set up to support his family, who have now raised almost £ 5,000.

According to GoFundMe, Willis had no underlying health issues and was in perfect health until she contracted COVID-19. She battled the virus for 16 days until she passed away.

She is survived by her husband Josh, her son Shéa and her daughters Eviegrace, Holly and Lilyanna.

Funeral of Samantha Willis
Willis died of COVID-19 shortly after giving birth.
PA Images via Getty Images

His death comes as COVID-19 cases and deaths are on the rise in Northern Ireland. According to the Belfast Telegraph, some hospitals are at full capacity, with others at overcapacity.


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