US House Committee Calls for Tax Returns from President Donald Trump | USA News


In the United States, a committee chair of the House officially asked the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Will Provide Six Years Of Personal Income Tax Returns For US President Donald Trump in a long-awaited move should largely lead to a long legal battle against the White House.

Wednesday's request, in a letter from Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal, to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, is considered by Democrats in the House of Representatives as an essential first step towards oversight Trump's income taxes and commercial network, which some legislators believe could be a source of conflict of interest and possible tax law violations.

"It is essential to ensure the accountability of our government and our elected officials," said Neal in a statement.

"To maintain confidence in our democracy, the American people must be assured that their government is working properly, as the laws provide."

US Treasury officials and the IRS were not immediately available for comment.

Trump has defied decades of precedence as a presidential candidate by refusing to disclose tax documents and has continued to keep them silent as president, saying his statements were "under control" by the IRS.

"In the process of auditing for many years"

Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, recently told Congress that he did not think the president was audited, but might have used the audit request to avoid scrutiny that could lead to an audit and tax penalties from the IRS.

Trump rejected the request but continued to present the audit argument in comments addressed to reporters at a meeting with US military leaders on Wednesday.

"Is that all?" the president asked when they told the Democrats that they wanted to see six years of his return.

"Usually it's 10, so I guess they give in. I've been under audit for many years because the numbers are high and I guess when you have a name, you're audited." But until I do not be under audit, I would not be inclined to do it ".

Neal based its claim on its IRS oversight committee's jurisdiction, including its so-called Trump audits and the extent to which the agency has applied tax laws to the company. President.

At the same time, congressional Republicans are opposed to Neal's efforts, asserting that such a decision would set a dangerous precedent by turning a US citizen's confidential tax records into a political weapon.

"This particular request is an abuse of the statutory power of the tax drafting committees and constitutes a violation of the intent and guarantees of … the Internal Revenue Code," said Representative Kevin Brady, top Representative of the Republican Committee, in a statement.


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