US records over 30 million coronavirus cases as part of vaccination effort


The United States surpassed 30 million cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, underscoring the continued threat of the virus even as the country advances on vaccination.

While new cases per day have declined significantly from their peak in January, positivity totals remain high, at around 55,000 cases per day.

As more vulnerable people get vaccinated, the number of deaths is falling, but around 1,000 people still die from the virus every day.

More than a year after the start of the pandemic, Americans appear to be getting restless after months of lockdown.

Scenes of hundreds of spring breakers flooding the streets, beaches and restaurants of Miami Beach, Florida have prompted health officials to urge people not to let their guard down.

Health officials have also warned against lifting coronavirus restrictions by states until more of the population is vaccinated.

Leaders of states like Texas and Mississippi have lifted coronavirus restrictions, including mask warrants and corporate social distancing requirements.

“When I’m often asked, ‘Are we turning the corner?’ my response is really more like, “We’re around the corner. It remains to be seen whether or not we will turn this bend. “” Anthony FauciAnthony FauciThe Hill’s Morning Report – Biden leans heavily on gun control. Pelosi Says Drug Price Measure Under Discussion For Infrastructure Package | Biden administration extends special ObamaCare listing until August 12:30 p.m. report from The Hill – Brought to you by Facebook – Happy Birthday to ObamaCare READ MORE, the government’s leading infectious disease expert said in a White House briefing on Wednesday.

With around 55,000 cases every day, “I don’t think you can declare victory and say you’ve turned the corner,” he added. “You need to keep doing what we’re doing: more vaccinations and keep taking public health action until we really turn the corner.”

The country is now vaccinating people at a steady rate, about 2.5 million shots per day.

Among people aged 65 and older, the most vulnerable group, 70% have now received at least one vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data.

Yet among all adults, about 18 percent are fully immunized and 33 percent have received at least one dose, noting that there is still an important path to go to immunize the public before a “return to normalcy”. Complete can occur.

Experts say people should always wear masks when in public and avoid crowds and travel.

“I continue to be concerned about the latest data and the apparent stall we are seeing in the trajectory of the pandemic,” said the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Rochelle WalenskyRochelle WalenskyThe Hill’s Morning Report – Biden relies heavily on gun control Overnight healthcare: AstraZeneca may have included outdated vaccine trial data, officials say | Pelosi Says Drug Price Measure Under Discussion For Infrastructure Package | Biden administration extends special ObamaCare enrollment until August Teachers union ‘not convinced’ by CDC guidelines to reduce class spacing READ MORE said Wednesday. “The CDC is monitoring these numbers very closely. As I said on Monday, the decisions we make now will determine what the pandemic looks like in the days and weeks to come.


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