US Should Not Enforce UK COVID-19 Vaccine Dosage Policy, Says Fauci


Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease specialist in the White House, has advised against continuing the vaccine strategy the UK recently endorsed, which is to prioritize the first inoculation and potentially delay the second inoculation up to 3 months.

“I wouldn’t be in favor of that,” said Dr Fauci CNN animate Elizabeth Cohen on New Years Day. “We will continue to do what we are doing.”

As part of the UK plan, which was approved earlier this week, the government will prioritize first-round inoculations by extending the deadline for receiving the booster dose. “This will maximize the number of people receiving the vaccine and therefore receiving protection in the next 12 weeks,” said a group of UK health workers advocating for the policy.

For the Pfizer vaccine, i.e. offering the second dose between 3 weeks and 12 weeks after the recipient’s first dose instead of three weeks after; for the AstraZeneca vaccine, this means offering the second dose between 2 weeks and 12 weeks after the first dose.

According to the New York Times, the UK has also “quietly updated” its vaccine guidelines to allow, under certain circumstances, recipients of one vaccine to receive the second dose of another vaccine if the manufacturer of the first dose is not known or the same vaccine is not available.

Based on updated UK vaccine guidelines:

There is no evidence of the interchangeability of COVID-19 vaccines although studies are ongoing. Therefore, every effort should be made to determine which vaccine the individual has received and to supplement it with the same vaccine. For people who have started the schedule and present for vaccination at a site where the same vaccine is not available, or if the first product received is unknown, it is reasonable to offer a dose of the product available locally for complete the schedule. This option is best if the person is likely to be immediately at high risk or is considered unlikely to reoccur. Under these circumstances, since both vaccines are based on the spike protein, it is likely that the second dose will help stimulate the response to the first dose. For this reason, until more information is available, further doses would not be necessary.

The country’s decision was met with skepticism from some scientists and researchers, who noted the lack of data behind the policy.

“There’s no data on this idea at all,” said John Moore, a vaccine expert at Cornell University. Moore also said UK officials “seem to have given up on science completely now and are just trying to guess their way out of the mess.”

“None of this is data-driven yet,” Dr. Phyllis Tien, infectious disease physician at UC San Francisco, told The Times. “We’re sort of in this Wild West.”

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says COVID-19 vaccines are “not interchangeable,” but in the event that two different doses of COVID-19 vaccine are accidentally given to the same patient, “no additional dose of either product is not recommended. . “

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