10 best blackout 4 clips of Black Ops and of the week – Game Rant


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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has been out for a few weeks now and the game has remained one of Twitch's most popular titles, especially with respect to its Blackout battle royal mode. Over the past week, various Twitch streamers have uploaded images of themselves playing in the popular game mode, generating a multitude of fun clips, videos killed and intense moments.

Here are the best Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Power cuts on Twitch for the past week.

1. Guaranteed victory

Dr. DisRespect is one of Twitch's most famous streamers. Fans of the streaming platform have not only found his extravagant personality entertaining, but his ability to back up his remarks with regular wins in the Royal Battle matches has helped him to climb to the top of the Twitch ranks . Although Dr. DisRespect is one of the best Black Ops 4 However, sometimes things do not work for him.

2. ROFLCopter

One of the ways Black Ops 4 stands out from other popular Royal Battle games on the market with the inclusion of helicopters, adding a whole new dynamic to the experience. In the clip above, we see that Twitch benson streamer uses a helicopter to strategically position himself over a barn and eliminate a whole team.

Epic Killstreak of Shroud

Shroud gained popularity along with the royal battle genre, becoming famous for the first time on Twitch because of PUBG streams. Shroud has also been an asset Black Ops 4 player, and is responsible for some of the most awesome clips we've seen from the game until now. The clip above shows Shroud's skills in action as he slays his opponents to win his team's victory.

4. Shroud Wipes A Squad

Shroud's epic series of deaths was not his only impressive game on Blackout this week. He also wiped out a team thanks to the intelligent use of the grapple and a strategic landing on a fence to avoid falling damage.

5. Do not underestimate the battle ax

Shroud is the subject of a third clip this week, this one showing an ax killing in combat. In the clip above, Shroud's partner is shot twice by enemies, but he manages to save his friend with an incredibly accurate shot of the battle ax.

6. Tokyo Drift

We have seen previously how players can use helicopters Black Ops 4 to their advantage, but other vehicles are also useful. As we can see in the clip above, Aris is able to drift with his ATV to not only kill an enemy player, but also send that player flying hilariously in the air.

7. Death By Box

In last week's collection of the best Blackout clips, we saw what happens when one of the supply drops rolls down a hill. Now fans can see what happens when a stock dropping arises directly on the player. Spoilers: It's not pretty.

8. Oops

Helicopters in Black Ops 4 can be used to their advantage, but they also seem to be particularly fragile vehicles. It's not uncommon to see players fire helicopters from the sky with conventional weapons, but as we learned in the clip above, sometimes it's not even necessary to use weapons to shoot down a helicopter. helicopter. They just need a little water.

9. Sniper or helicopter

Sometimes, players do not even need to destroy the helicopters themselves to get them out of the sky. The players inside the helicopters can also be eliminated, and it's pretty impressive to see him in action.

10. One against all

Twitch's Joshog streamer had some work to do at the end of the match. He is surrounded by enemies from all sides and his partner is shot on the beach. Joshog still managed to win, largely thanks to his skill with a sniper rifle

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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