10,000 devices from 1,000 brands with Google Assistant integration


In short: Today, Google has taken a moment to remind everyone that its artificial intelligence assistant and its associated ecosystem are now compatible with more than 10,000 smart devices and IoT from more than 1,000 different manufacturers. Almost all categories of smart devices that may end up in your home are covered by at least one manufacturer or device. In some cases, Google has partnered with specific manufacturers to deepen integrations or even create a starter kit. as with the General Electric Smart Lighting Kit shown below.

Context: Although there are still only a few products officially classified as "made by Google", the company has partnered with many companies and has opened its portfolio to developers. The early successes with Nest and other companies have pushed Google to fully embrace IoT and to the point of confirming today that Google Assistant works with more than 10,000 different devices. Along the way, Google has adopted a kind of universal approach that makes the work of Google Assistant easier with all kinds of new devices and allows device manufacturers to integrate support for the wizard directly into these devices. This approach has allowed a number of major brands to join the party, including Vivint, General Electric, iRobot, etc.

Impact: This absolutely massive stable of IoT devices will probably only be the beginning of the big project. Google is striving to position its assistant at the forefront of the movement, which sees AI assistants taking on more responsibility and occupying a more central place in users' lives. The fierce competition of Amazon and the ecosystem Alexa, as well as newer and / or less popular rates like Bixby, Samsung, and Siri, from Apple, will make it difficult for Google to position Assistant and Google Home as quintessential, but the wizard's packaging on Android phones is sure to have helped to familiarize users and integrate the ecosystem. In the future, more and more manufacturers and peripherals will be integrated, thus contributing to the growth and maturation of an already robust ecosystem, and reinforcing the idea that Google considers the world 's best. IoT as an essential app for voice assistants.

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