14.9-inch iPad? The idea is not as crazy as it might sound …


Even before the new compact 12.9-inch iPad went on sale, there was talk of even larger iPads. Developer Steven Troughton-Smith made the case for a 14.9-inch iPad Pro, noting that this would allow two decent-sized Safari tabs to be open-side-by-side with a third app open too.

And while some might think it's a crazy idea – where would it end? – a poll of 9to5Mac readers shows that around 40% of you favor the idea of ​​an iPad larger than the existing 12.9-inch model …


One fairly common 12.9-inch model, using the smaller dimensions to boost the screen size. But others have backed the idea of ​​a 14.9-inch iPad. Indeed, in our poll, some 13% of you would go larger still.

Some have been ridiculing the idea, but after a week of my own 12.9-inch model, I do not actually think it's crazy.

Yes, the old 12.9-inch model was, for me, too big for a mobile device. It was not something I wanted to carry around with me routinely, and that remains the case. The new model is, I think, about the limit of something.

But while the iPad is a mobile device, many iPads never leave the home. Mine does, but I do not use it extensively at home – even more so when upgrading to the larger screen.

As a home device, I think there is scope to go larger. All of the benefits I would like to apply, only more so, to a larger device.

Video is really great at this size, and the speakers are amazingly powerful. Magazines feel like you're looking at a full-size page in fashion portrait. Ebooks let you see a lot more of the text on a screen, so less page-flipping. For websites, I've switched to portrait mode because the page-width does not feel cramped and you can see so much more at once. I'm not much of a gamer, but I just fired up XPlane, and it's clear that games are noticeably more immersive on this size screen.

You could argue that, for 9to5Mac at least, what's the point? If we want a larger screen, most of us have Macs. But for me, there is a very different feel to the two. A Mac feels like a work device, while an iPad feels primarily like a leisure one. An iPad feels more relaxing for the evening.

How wide could we go? For me, there's no reason to go as far as a laptop. A 14.9-inch iPad seems perfectly reasonable.

Meantime, back at my 12.9-inch one, I think there's only one new thing to report. My partner, who said that it was 'huge' the first time she saw it, and was rather rolling her eyes at the purchase, is now in love with it too. She was using a TV show and was very appreciative of the size. Steph does not have my gung-ho attitude to buying new gadgets, but I think the seed has been sown …

For my part, I'm 100% clear I'm keeping it, and I love it every day.

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