2018 iPhone takes shape, a big overhaul to come, say reports


As leaks intensify, we may have a clearer picture of the 2018 range of iPhones.

In a nutshell, big. Great as in big displays and big design changes.

Latest reports claim to show front glass panels on new iPhones. This trio of phones, in order of size, should be an "iPhone X Plus", a low-budget iPhone X, and a second-generation iPhone X, according to a report by MacRumors and images of Ben Geskin, widely cited. leak.


The so-called iPhone X Plus should be massive by Apple standards, with a 6.5 inch screen. Much bigger than any iPhone launched to date and perhaps bigger than Samsung's Galaxy Note series, including the upcoming Galaxy Note 9.


The Budget iPhone should have a 6.1-inch screen and the update of the iPhone X will retain its screen size of 5.8 inches.

The home button is history, get used to the notch

The three iPhones should follow the iPhone X and give up the button d & # 39; Welcome Face ID. Like the current iPhone X which means a notch, which houses the TrueDepth Face ID camera, located at the top of an edge-to-edge display.

APPLE'S NEW IPHONE WILL HAVE THIS SECRET WEAPON N [19659005] The 6.1-inch iPhone budget, however, will not be the OLED screen and the device More sophisticated photo on the updated iPhone X and the new iPhone X Plus, according to reports. Instead, the less expensive iPhone will use an LCD screen and a less expensive camera system, say the reports.

Price estimates place the iPhone X and X Plus at $ 1,000 and up, while the budget phone could land in the $ 700 to $ 800 range

"I have no doubt that the next programming will be successful. " Jitesh Ubrani, an analyst at IDC Market Research, told Fox News in an email.


"Although it is important to note We expect that the growth of smartphones, including that of the Internet. iPhone, will be well below what it was once. "

Ubrani, of IDC, hopes that Apple will make more progress with Augmented Reality (AR). "With the upcoming refresh, I hope Apple will make a bigger push for AR." Apple will be a key player and educator of this technology in the coming years and the iPhone is a great way to do it, "he said.

Siri needs improvement too. "Outside the AR, they also need to improve Siri (on the iPhone and other devices too) as competing smart assistants have surpassed Apple's efforts. in recent years, "he added.

Fox News reached out to Apple with a request for comment on this story.

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