& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s Vs. Red Dead Redemption 2: a gameplay comparison

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& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft

Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II are two of the best-made and best-presented open-world games of the current console generation. This article compares some of the game features of both games. This is the fourth in a series dedicated to graphics, performance and combat.

The Van der Linde gang.Credit: Rockstar Games

History, characters and dubbing

I have not finished any part, so I can not say whether the main scenarios lead to satisfactory conclusions. However, I have progressed far enough in everyone to appreciate the breadth and depth of their story, their characters and their acting game.

Red Dead Redemption IIThe main story has become the driving force for me. Arthur Morgan is not the most convincing character I've ever played in a game, but the developing story of the Van der Linde gang has my full attention. All the characters are very well written and played. Conversations and group cut scenes are something to be hoped for in RDR2.

Assassin's Creed OdysseyThe story can be interpreted with a male character (Alexios) or female (Kassandra). The story is identical in both cases, the only difference is the dubbing. OdysseyThe main story is intriguing and well told. I'm very interested to see how that goes, but I find RDR2The story is more convincing.

Morgan in RDR2 and Kasssandra in Odyssey are both well written and acted. I started Odyssey with a construction designed for remote combat for Kassandra and a melee construction for Alexios. I quickly dropped Alexios because I did not like dubbing (and Kassandra went into melee because it's so much fun). Morgan's story is more interesting, but Kassandra is a nicer companion that is an important element to consider for such long games Odyssey and RDR2.

The important and secondary NPCs of RDR2 have distinctive character patterns, strong voices and are almost uniformly well written. RDR2 is an exceptionally well written and played game. NPC in Odyssey are not modeled, written or acted with the same level of consistency. Some NPCs are very well done while others are not. Character patterns and dialogue tend to repeat with minor variations as the importance of interaction decreases.

Global, Odyssey and RDR2 have high level writings and act with fascinating stories. Odyssey it's fine, RDR2 is always better.

Poker in & # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Game

Things to do

Odyssey and RDR2 are packed with things to do in addition to following the main story. Both are filled with story-centric parallel quests and incidental interactions between NPCs, ranging from the most notable to the most current. On average, RDR2Superior writing and character creation are found in his side quests while Odyssey contains more than its share of high quality content in parallel quests.

RDR2 has a number of related activities such as poker and dominoes that have nothing to do with the game, other than creating an "atmosphere". Odyssey nothing like that. What it has, it's a full-fledged and challenging naval combat system with which you will be able to play when you want to spend time away from the main story. Aside from playing poker to find out how it was, I did not spend any time with these parallel activities. RDR2. On the other hand, I look forward to the challenge and the change of pace of naval combat in Odyssey.

Resource collection and manufacturing are important elements of both games. Both systems are very streamlined in Odyssey and more complex by several orders of magnitude in RDR2. For example, chasing animals in Odyssey is a simple routine to kill with your bow while it is a fully developed mini-game in which you can get lost for hours. RDR2.

Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. In Odyssey you get what you need quickly and almost effortlessly, but it can become an insane routine. Crafting requires a lot more commitment in RDR2 but his systems are unnecessarily involved. The time spent assembling and making seems often not worth it. Even if you really need an object or want it, making it may seem like a chore.

Do your choices have real consequences?Credit: Ubisoft

Choice and consequence

Having a lot of things to do is one thing; how much these things are related to history is another. RDR2 has a richer and more fully developed world Odyssey but the activity in the world is more closely integrated into the game Odyssey. For me, that makes Odyssey a more coherent and engaging game.

Spoil alertThis paragraph contains a minor spoiler. Both games place a lot of emphasis on making meaningful choices that affect subsequent play. A revealing point comes early in both games when you have to decide to kill NPCs or let them go. The decision is important as a first step to let the player decide how he wants to play the character. However, what you decide makes very little difference to what is happening in the game in RDR2. At best, your honor counter gets a little boost in one direction or another. In OdysseyYour decision has unique consequences in the game. If you kill the NPCs, you move on to the next step of the quest without hindrance. If you let them go, the NPCs get their friends and ambush you a little further down the road.

RDR2The honor system is like a breath of the past that hardly gives the impression that what you are doing has important consequences. Actions such as killing random NPCs or greeting them with a friendly "Howdy, partner" raise or lower your score. If it goes far enough, people react differently to your first meeting or the prices of certain things change. How do NPCs know what you did or did not do when you passed someone in the country a few days ago is a mystery. It may have been innovative ten or more years ago, but it's old, tired and skinny now.

Look at the weight in the old west.Credit: Rockstar Game


There is a lot of housework in RDR2. Have a haircut. Take a bath. Clean your weapons, oil your weapons. Feed your horse, brush your horse, pound your horse. Do not eat that, you will get fat. You're too skinny, eat a little more. Wear a coat, it's cold outside. Take off that coat, it's too hot. To cry loud, mom, give me a break!

None of this contributes to the game other than providing a feeling of "atmosphere" by "anchoring" you into the world. Some players will love it, others will find it quickly boring. Odyssey There is nothing like it. Those who like to watch what they eat in games will miss it. Those who would prefer to continue the game will be happy that it is not there.

Side activities that contribute to progress in the game have similar characteristics. Collection and manufacturing is simplified and simple in Odyssey and fussy and hardworking RDR2. Morgan's activities in the construction of the camp in RDR2 to have little or nothing to do with being an outlaw. Almost everything Kassandra does Odyssey is linked to his role as an independent mercenary.

& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft / Kevin Murnane

To go from here to there

Finally, something must be said about traffic systems in RDR2 and Odyssey. Both games feature huge maps that encompass worlds of extraordinary beauty. You want to go everywhere and see everything, and both games reward you when you do it.

Unfortunately, going from here to there is a constant pain in the buttocks RDR2. Morgan is slow. Walking in the camp is like walking with molasses unless you get ready to walk a little faster. Constantly hurrying through the camp like an uncontrollable aerobics maniac with a sophisticated smartwatch with shaping features is strange in a game that prides itself on realism.

Morgan's horse is slow and distances are long. You can drive the horse in a gallop, but the kilometers still pass. Button crushes a little more to gallop at the cost of exhausting the endurance of your horse. Which means you need tonics to maintain it. Which means more collection, manufacturing or theft-slaughter-robbery to get money to buy what you need. Which is a lot to do to go from here to there.

The fast travel system in RDR2 is terrible. You have to unlock it, it's expensive, you have to be at the starting point to use it, and that's only one way. You can travel fast, but you have to find your own way home.

Odyssey take the opposite approach to traveling. You run fast, your horse runs fast and running costs nothing in resources. Quick moves are available from anywhere, and there are many destination points in the form of Assassin's Creed's signature synchronization slots. In addition, unlocking sync points improves your eagle's ability to spot ground targets, as well as opening new fast travel destinations.

To go from here to there in RDR2 is tedious and takes time. This hinders the game. Traveling in Odyssey is fast and easy. It encourages to play. In RDR2 I will drop things or drop them to avoid the time spent traveling. In OdysseyI will go a long way to enjoy the landscape because I do not have to do it all the time.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II These are exceptional games with engaging and well written stories in richly detailed and beautifully rendered worlds. This series of articles examined both aspects in terms of graphics, performance, combat and gameplay.

Both games have much better graphics when they are used on the Xbox One X. RDR2The complete 4K rendering is staggering, but its attempt to pass an SDR master as an HDR is an epic failure. OdysseyThe use of dynamic scaling softens the image but its HDR implementation is exemplary.

Odyssey and RDR2 limit the frame rate to 30 fps. The One X and PS4 Pro are very close to this limit, the One X doing a slightly better job. The performance on the One X is remarkable considering that it pushes twice as many pixels as the Pro. Performance on PS4 and One S is good, but significantly worse than more powerful consoles.

Each game has a variety of combat encounters and combat systems that offer a lot of choice to the players. Remote combat is more developed in RDR2 while melee and stealth are stronger Odyssey. Odyssey offers much more strategic and tactical depth than RDR2.

The game is very different in both games and each will involve different types of players. Game mechanics are often detailed at levels never seen before. RDR2 but they may seem unnecessarily difficult and difficult. Gaming systems are often independent and sometimes annoying. The mechanics are simple and straightforward and the systems are streamlined and well integrated into Odyssey. Although I have been more comfortable with RDR2After playing for two days, coming back for the third was something that I had to force myself to do. On the other hand, I was anxious to get back to Odyssey after two days and two weeks.

In a word, Red Dead Redemption II has a more fully realized world, whereas, for me, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is more fun to play.

& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft / Kevin Murnane

Additional articles in the Assassin's Creed Odyssey against. Red Dead Redemption II series includes

  • & # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s Vs. Red Dead Redemption 2: a graphical comparison
  • & # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s Vs. "Red Dead Redemption 2": performance comparison
  • & # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s Vs. Red Dead Redemption 2: a comparison of combat systems

If you are interested in Assassin's Creed OdysseyHere are some articles that you might like.

  • The Xbox One X stands out in a console comparison for "Assassin's Creed Odyssey".
  • Hint: How to adjust the HDR settings in "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" & # 39; s
  • Here's what's new for 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey'. in November
  • Booty And Recruiting: A Mercenary Guide In 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey & # 39;
  • Hint: How to create and use special arrows in 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey' & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s
  • The ambitious plan of "Assassin's Creed Odyssey": keep players engaged for months after launch

And for Red Dead Redemption II,

  • & # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39; has a deadly insect easy to trigger: here's how to avoid it
  • How does "Red Dead Redemption II" work? on a 1080p screen?
  • A new visualization technique clearly illustrates the failure of the Red Dead Redemption II HDR
  • The HDR problem of Red Dead Redemption II and what you can do to fix it [Updated]
  • The Xbox One X reaches new heights in the comparison of Red Dead Redemption Consoles II & # 39;
  • An employee provides a detailed account of Rockstar gaming overtime practices


& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft

Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II are two of the best-made and best-presented open-world games of the current console generation. This article compares some of the game features of both games. This is the fourth in a series dedicated to graphics, performance and combat.

The Van der Linde gang.Credit: Rockstar Games

History, characters and dubbing

I have not finished any part, so I can not say whether the main scenarios lead to satisfactory conclusions. However, I have progressed far enough in everyone to appreciate the breadth and depth of their story, their characters and their acting game.

Red Dead Redemption IIThe main story has become the driving force for me. Arthur Morgan is not the most convincing character I've ever played in a game, but the developing story of the Van der Linde gang has my full attention. All the characters are very well written and played. Conversations and group cut scenes are something to be hoped for in RDR2.

Assassin's Creed OdysseyThe story can be interpreted with a male character (Alexios) or female (Kassandra). The story is identical in both cases, the only difference is the dubbing. OdysseyThe main story is intriguing and well told. I'm very interested to see how that goes, but I find RDR2The story is more convincing.

Morgan in RDR2 and Kasssandra in Odyssey are both well written and acted. I started Odyssey with a construction designed for remote combat for Kassandra and a melee construction for Alexios. I quickly dropped Alexios because I did not like dubbing (and Kassandra went into melee because it's so much fun). Morgan's story is more interesting, but Kassandra is a nicer companion that is an important element to consider for such long games Odyssey and RDR2.

The important and secondary NPCs of RDR2 have distinctive character patterns, strong voices and are almost uniformly well written. RDR2 is an exceptionally well written and played game. NPC in Odyssey are not modeled, written or acted with the same level of consistency. Some NPCs are very well done while others are not. Character patterns and dialogue tend to repeat with minor variations as the importance of interaction decreases.

Global, Odyssey and RDR2 have high level writings and act with fascinating stories. Odyssey it's fine, RDR2 is always better.

Poker in & # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Game

Things to do

Odyssey and RDR2 are packed with things to do in addition to following the main story. Both are filled with story-centric parallel quests and incidental interactions between NPCs, ranging from the most notable to the most current. On average, RDR2Superior writing and character creation are found in his side quests while Odyssey contains more than its share of high quality content in parallel quests.

RDR2 has a number of related activities such as poker and dominoes that have nothing to do with the game, other than creating an "atmosphere". Odyssey nothing like that. What it has, it's a full-fledged and challenging naval combat system with which you will be able to play when you want to spend time away from the main story. Aside from playing poker to find out how it was, I did not spend any time with these parallel activities. RDR2. On the other hand, I look forward to the challenge and the change of pace of naval combat in Odyssey.

Resource collection and manufacturing are important elements of both games. Both systems are very streamlined in Odyssey and more complex by several orders of magnitude in RDR2. For example, chasing animals in Odyssey is a simple routine to kill with your bow while it is a fully developed mini-game in which you can get lost for hours. RDR2.

Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. In Odyssey you get what you need quickly and almost effortlessly, but it can become an insane routine. Crafting requires a lot more commitment in RDR2 but his systems are unnecessarily involved. The time spent assembling and making seems often not worth it. Even if you really need an object or want it, making it may seem like a chore.

Do your choices have real consequences?Credit: Ubisoft

Choice and consequence

Having a lot of things to do is one thing; how much these things are related to history is another. RDR2 has a richer and more fully developed world Odyssey but the activity in the world is more closely integrated into the game Odyssey. For me, that makes Odyssey a more coherent and engaging game.

Spoil alertThis paragraph contains a minor spoiler. Both games place a lot of emphasis on making meaningful choices that affect subsequent play. A revealing point comes early in both games when you have to decide to kill NPCs or let them go. The decision is important as a first step to let the player decide how he wants to play the character. However, what you decide makes very little difference to what is happening in the game in RDR2. At best, your honor counter gets a little boost in one direction or another. In OdysseyYour decision has unique consequences in the game. If you kill the NPCs, you move on to the next step of the quest without hindrance. If you let them go, the NPCs get their friends and ambush you a little further down the road.

RDR2The honor system is like a breath of the past that hardly gives the impression that what you are doing has important consequences. Actions such as killing random NPCs or greeting them with a friendly "Howdy, partner" raise or lower your score. If it goes far enough, people react differently to your first meeting or the prices of certain things change. How do NPCs know what you did or did not do when you passed someone in the country a few days ago is a mystery. It may have been innovative ten or more years ago, but it's old, tired and skinny now.

Look at the weight in the old west.Credit: Rockstar Game


There is a lot of housework in RDR2. Have a haircut. Take a bath. Clean your weapons, oil your weapons. Feed your horse, brush your horse, pound your horse. Do not eat that, you will get fat. You're too skinny, eat a little more. Wear a coat, it's cold outside. Take off that coat, it's too hot. To cry loud, mom, give me a break!

None of this contributes to the game other than providing a feeling of "atmosphere" by "anchoring" you into the world. Some players will love it, others will find it quickly boring. Odyssey There is nothing like it. Those who like to watch what they eat in games will miss it. Those who would prefer to continue the game will be happy that it is not there.

Side activities that contribute to progress in the game have similar characteristics. Collection and manufacturing is simplified and simple in Odyssey and fussy and hardworking RDR2. Morgan's activities in the construction of the camp in RDR2 to have little or nothing to do with being an outlaw. Almost everything Kassandra does Odyssey is linked to his role as an independent mercenary.

& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft / Kevin Murnane

To go from here to there

Finally, something must be said about traffic systems in RDR2 and Odyssey. Both games feature huge maps that encompass worlds of extraordinary beauty. You want to go everywhere and see everything, and both games reward you when you do it.

Unfortunately, going from here to there is a constant pain in the buttocks RDR2. Morgan is slow. Walking in the camp is like walking with molasses unless you get ready to walk a little faster. Constantly hurrying through the camp like an uncontrollable aerobics maniac with a sophisticated smartwatch with shaping features is strange in a game that prides itself on realism.

Morgan's horse is slow and distances are long. You can drive the horse in a gallop, but the kilometers still pass. Button crushes a little more to gallop at the cost of exhausting the endurance of your horse. Which means you need tonics to maintain it. Which means more collection, manufacturing or theft-slaughter-robbery to get money to buy what you need. Which is a lot to do to go from here to there.

The fast travel system in RDR2 is terrible. You have to unlock it, it's expensive, you have to be at the starting point to use it, and that's only one way. You can travel fast, but you have to find your own way home.

Odyssey take the opposite approach to traveling. You run fast, your horse runs fast and running costs nothing in resources. Quick moves are available from anywhere, and there are many destination points in the form of Assassin's Creed's signature synchronization slots. In addition, unlocking sync points improves your eagle's ability to spot ground targets, as well as opening new fast travel destinations.

To go from here to there in RDR2 is tedious and takes time. This hinders the game. Traveling in Odyssey is fast and easy. It encourages to play. In RDR2 I will drop things or drop them to avoid the time spent traveling. In OdysseyI will go a long way to enjoy the landscape because I do not have to do it all the time.

& # 39; Red Dead Redemption II & # 39;Credit: Rockstar Games


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II These are exceptional games with engaging and well written stories in richly detailed and beautifully rendered worlds. This series of articles examined both aspects in terms of graphics, performance, combat and gameplay.

Both games have much better graphics when they are used on the Xbox One X. RDR2The complete 4K rendering is staggering, but its attempt to pass an SDR master as an HDR is an epic failure. OdysseyThe use of dynamic scaling softens the image but its HDR implementation is exemplary.

Odyssey and RDR2 limit the frame rate to 30 fps. The One X and PS4 Pro are very close to this limit, the One X doing a slightly better job. The performance on the One X is remarkable considering that it pushes twice as many pixels as the Pro. Performance on PS4 and One S is good, but significantly worse than more powerful consoles.

Each game has a variety of combat encounters and combat systems that offer a lot of choice to the players. Remote combat is more developed in RDR2 while melee and stealth are stronger Odyssey. Odyssey offers much more strategic and tactical depth than RDR2.

The game is very different in both games and each will involve different types of players. Game mechanics are often detailed at levels never seen before. RDR2 but they may seem unnecessarily difficult and difficult. Gaming systems are often independent and sometimes annoying. The mechanics are simple and straightforward and the systems are streamlined and well integrated into Odyssey. Although I have been more comfortable with RDR2After playing for two days, coming back for the third was something that I had to force myself to do. On the other hand, I was anxious to get back to Odyssey after two days and two weeks.

In a word, Red Dead Redemption II has a more fully realized world, whereas, for me, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is more fun to play.

& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; sCredit: Ubisoft / Kevin Murnane

Additional articles in the Assassin's Creed Odyssey against. Red Dead Redemption II series includes

If you are interested in Assassin's Creed OdysseyHere are some articles that you might like.

And for Red Dead Redemption II,

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