& # 39; Crackdown 3 & # 39; will be playable at X018 next month


We talked a lot about Microsoft's often delayed technology. Crackdown 3 – mainly with concerns about whether the game was going out at all. But it seems that Microsoft has planned something important, especially at the X018 event next month in Mexico City.

Crackdown 3

A new tweet from the Xbox Mexico account appeared, indicating that the game will be present – and playable – during the event. The company noted:Crackdown 3 joins the list of games that have not yet been released and will be available in #XboxFanFest. "You can see the tweet and the picture below.

This is great news for the game because it's the first time the game is made playable by the audience this year. It did not feature in Microsoft's lineup at E3 earlier this summer; and also missed other crucial gaming events, including PAX East and West, as well as Brazil Game Show and Gamescom, two relatively important events for the Xbox community.

The game has been postponed again and again, originally scheduled to release alongside Xbox One X last year before being postponed until early 2018. It is currently scheduled for February 2019, with Phil Spencer having recently declared that the game made good progress. That being said, there is no guarantee that this will not be delayed. In fact, an ad could at the show with a release date "final", if not in a few months.

The ongoing delays of the game have dealt a blow to Microsoft many times. Last year, this game was to represent a huge volume of holidays with the Xbox One X before its possible delay. Since then, it has not yet emerged in terms of practical assistance, which leaves us wondering if the game still did not happen. But this tweet confirms that he is still coming, and, fingers crossed, this should still be a hellish sequel.

Crackdown 3 is currently scheduled for a February 2019 release on Xbox One and Xbox One X. We will release all X018 information when it launches November 10-11 in Mexico, as Microsoft will broadcast the event live.

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