& # 39; Crackdown & # 39; is available for free – and playable on Xbox One


L & # 39; original Repression was one of the first successes of the Xbox 360 – a privileged access to the Halo 3 beta did not hurt – and Xbox players can now come back in 2007 for as little as a fraction of the cost. Without explanation or fanfare, the digital price of the game has been set to zero, although it is possible that this is related to the XO18 event in Mexico this weekend, where the head of the Xbox, Phil Spencer, will appear. It will include a two-hour Inside Xbox stream on Saturday at 4 pm Eastern Time, with news about Crackdown 3, Minecraft, Thieves' Sea, State of Decay 2 and Forza Horizon 4, a dozen Game Pass announcements and "one or two surprises".

It's been a long time since we've heard of Crackdown 3 and giving people a taste of the original could help create hype for a new entry into the series due to arrive in 2019. After delays and poor screenings, nothing can hurt. Whatever it is, agents, Repression has been available since February in backward compatibility for Xbox One – and again upgrade to the most powerful Xbox One X – so just click on the link and download it.

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