& # 39; Death Stranding: Details of the plot reveal how the game had its mysterious name


NOTo we can say with certainty what Death Stranding is based on the latest trailer E3 2018, which exactly matches what you expect from a game from the developer Hideo Kojima. However, a recent update of the PlayStation website gives us more details about the game's history and what its mysterious name actually means.

We know Death Stranding for a while now. Kojima is releasing strange trailers for his new game since 2016, including an extremely bizarre clip that debuted at the 2017 [Game Awards]. (Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGZEab9P6kk). In this video, we saw scientists, living mud, floating people and a baby who lifted an inch inside Norman Reedus's character.

In comparison, the trailer E3 2018 was actually quite tame. He introduced new characters and even presented a semi-understandable dialogue. However, we still have more questions than answers. What are these spectral creatures that Norman Reedus avoids? Why is his Ghost Detection Flashlight powered by a baby? Why do you make me look at tearing her nail? Oh my god why? And much more.

Fortunately, this new description seems to provide us with a real Death Stranding ground:

Besieged by the tide of death at every turn, Sam Bridges must brave a world completely transformed by Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remains of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the broken world, one step at a time. What is the mystery of Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road? A gaming experience that defines the genre holds these answers and more.

Based on this description, it looks like Death Stranding is the name of the phenomenon behind all that is invisible. monsters and ghosts that Sam tries so hard to avoid. Maybe it's why he always carries a baby. After all, birth is the opposite of death.

Moreover, it seems to imply that true death is no longer possible in Sam's world. These apparitions and creatures seem to be ghosts chained to the mortal world instead of moving on to something else. Death is literally blocked, and people in the game are just as confused about it as we are. Sam's job is to know why.

Death Stranding There is no release date, which means that the aluminum paper hats are in overdrive. Fans select each tweet, post and photo from Kojima's social media profiles to extract clues. A fan even spotted an Easter egg involving a necklace and one of the bands engaged to score music for the match.

We will keep our eyes open for new clues, but I have the feeling that we will always have more questions than answers even after we finish playing. Stranding of death.

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