& # 39; Devil May Cry 5 & # 39; has a limited edition of $ 8,000 clearly absurd


From the images we've seen so far, Devil can cry 5 looks like a fit back for the stylish Capcom action series. But are you excited enough to spend $ 8,000 in a limited edition with obvious absurdity? That's right, Capcom Japan has a budget of 8,000 USD. Devil can cry 5 special edition for sale (via Eurogamer).

The main selling point of the $ 8,000 edition is a replica of the Dante jacket inspired by the one worn by the actor for motion capture. Yes, we are as perplexed as you. Although it is genuine leather, we can not begin to understand how it is worth $ 8,000, unless there is about $ 7,500 in cash in the inner pocket.

However, if you are looking for a good deal, you can buy one of two other special editions. A set of 6,000 USD includes the Nero jacket, with a sleeve torn at the elbow for more authenticity. This means that if you wore the Nero jacket in cold weather, one of your arms would certainly be cold. The cheapest option, if you can even call it that, is a $ 5,300 edition with the V. V jacket is not as known as Dante or Nero, so the dive makes sense.

We will admit that all jackets look cool, but we have trouble understanding how Capcom calculated these prices. For now, these editions seem to be available only for the Japanese version of the game.

Of course, the average Devil May Cry fan will be perfectly happy with the standard version of the $ 60 game. If you want to have a little extra without breaking your piggy bank, the deluxe edition costs $ 70 and includes five alternative suits and 100,000 red orbs. Unlike the ultra-special edition, these costumes will only be portable in the game.

Capcom Devil can cry 5 The announcement at E3 impressed us, but the gameplay trailer presented at Gamescom in August is eagerly awaiting its launch in 2019. The trailer featured Nero's new weapons, appropriately named the Devil Breakers. Each mechanical arm has its own power that helps Nero start his demon killing business. 10 years have passed since the release of the devil can cry 4So it's safe to say that fans are at the edge of their seat for this one.

Whether or not this translates into $ 8000 jacket purchases remains to be seen. Devil can cry 5 launches March 8, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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