& # 39; Diablo IV & # 39; has not been announced by Blizzard because of a mysterious project, reports the report


When Diablo Immortal was announced last month at the BlizzCon, he left some hardcore fans of the series, uh, pissed off, it's the least that can be said. But things got worse as rumors spread that Blizzard was about to announce Diablo IV at the show, but then shot at the last second. Many players are wondering why … and there may be an interesting answer behind that.


Kotaku released a long report earlier today about the state of Diabloand the controversy that accompanied ImmortalThe announcement. But a factor behind Diablo IVThe lack of announcement may have something to do with a project called Titan.

"Titan was the code name of a brand new MMO that Blizzard started to develop around 2007, "said Kotaku's author. "Considered as a cross between The Sims, left 4 dead, and Team Fortress 2, where you run businesses during the day and become a superhero at night, Titan was supposed to be a different twist on the kind that Blizzard had already mastered with World of Warcraft.

"In early 2013, after a long and protracted development cycle, Blizzard canceled Titan. Part of the team continued to do Overwatch, which was going to become a big success, but the project became a black eye for Blizzard – a huge gulf of time and money that was, to the great consternation of some, a public knowledge. Not only did they waste resources on this failed game, but everyone knew it. Blizzard had recognized the project in 2008 and its existence was frequently mentioned and questioned in subsequent years. "

So what was the concern then? "It's fair to wonder if the team was concerned about another development cycle that could be catastrophic. Even the words Diablo IV may have created expectations that developers did not want to establish at the moment, "noted Kotaku.

A former Blizzard developer started a conversation on the subject. "The Diablo The team is very paranoid about saying something too early and getting stuck in a loop. They do not want to show the game until they have a trailer, a demo. "

And another developer added how "Titan concerns us all. Even if Overwatch since then a huge success, he noted that "people do not look Titan and see a success. "(It looks like the cancellation has affected more than expected.)

Blizzard also had a statement about it, by Kotaku. "In terms of unannounced games, a lot of things can change during development based on our feelings about the progress and direction of the project," the company said. "So we try not to share the details of the unannounced projects before we are ready. Our preference is to have a clear announcement plan with concrete details and, hopefully, a playable demo of the game during the announcement. This applies to our Diablo projects and our other games too. "

There is a good chance that TitanDevelopment – and cancellation – has changed the way the publisher creates games as a whole. Obviously, some games are still working well with new additions, but a big question mark is looming. Diablo, even with the recent publication of Diablo III: Eternal Collection on Nintendo Switch and the just announced Immortal.

So will we see Diablo IV? Yes, finally, but the timing is right for Blizzard – and despite all the hype, the BlizzCon just did not seem to be.

You can read the full text of Kotaku Diablo the report here, and it's well worth reading for fans of the series.

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