& # 39; Dragon Quest XI S & # 39; has been announced for the switch

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& # 39; Dragon Quest XI & # 39; finally arrives on the Switch.Credit: Square Enix

While we knew a Switch version of Dragon Quest XI was planned, we now know that the game will call Dragon Quest XI S and have some extra features compared to the original versions of the game.

The "S" in this case apparently represents three things; Switch, special and speaking. With this latter meaning, the Switch version of the game will include a voice-over dialogue for the game.

For anyone who knows the story of Dragon quest In Japan, this is a great start, as games are not usually known to present a voice dialogue.

Now the western version recently released on PlayStation 4 and PC has a fantastic location, which includes a new voice track, but it seems that this new version of Switch will have something similar.

The new logo for Dragon Quest XI S & # 39 ;.Credit: Square Enix

Personally, I think it's great and it's actually something that I mentioned in my review of the PlayStation 4 version. Specifically, it would be nice to have a Japanese voiceover with all optional original names.

After all, games like Chronicles of Xenoblade 2 offered something similar with a free downloadable DLC pack that included original Japanese audio.

The big question is when is this new version of Switch from Dragon Quest XI will be published and, at the moment, we do not know when it will be.

In addition, Japanese versions of Dragon Quest XI on PlayStation 4 and 3DS have also offered remastered versions of the original Dragon quest trilogy. We still do not know if this will be extended to the Switch version, but if they were worn, I really hope that these will be localized and will go to the West.

Anyway, probably one of the best RPGs ever made finally arrives on Switch, so if you miss the release of the PlayStation 4 and PC, then Square Enix has you covered.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I also manage Mecha Damashii and make toy reviews on hobbylink.tv.

Read my Forbes blog here.


& # 39; Dragon Quest XI & # 39; finally arrives on the Switch.Credit: Square Enix

While we knew a Switch version of Dragon Quest XI was planned, we now know that the game will call Dragon Quest XI S and have some extra features compared to the original versions of the game.

The "S" in this case apparently represents three things; Switch, special and speaking. With this latter meaning, the Switch version of the game will include a voice-over dialogue for the game.

For anyone who knows the story of Dragon quest In Japan, this is a great start because games are not usually known to present a voice dialogue.

Now the western version recently released on PlayStation 4 and PC has a fantastic location, which includes a new voice track, but it seems that this new version of Switch will have something similar.

The new logo for Dragon Quest XI S & # 39 ;.Credit: Square Enix

Personally, I think it's great and it's actually something that I mentioned in my review of the PlayStation 4 version. Specifically, it would be nice to have a Japanese voiceover with all optional original names.

After all, games like Chronicles of Xenoblade 2 offered something similar with a free downloadable DLC pack that included original Japanese audio.

The big question is when is this new version of Switch from Dragon Quest XI will be published and, at the moment, we do not know when it will be.

In addition, Japanese versions of Dragon Quest XI on PlayStation 4 and 3DS have also offered remastered versions of the original Dragon quest trilogy. We still do not know if this will be extended to the Switch version, but if they were worn, I really hope that these will be localized and will go to the West.

Anyway, probably one of the best RPGs ever made finally arrives on Switch, so if you miss the release of the PlayStation 4 and PC, then Square Enix has you covered.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I also manage Mecha Damashii and make toy reviews on hobbylink.tv.

Read my Forbes blog here.

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