& # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; and its consequences on what we know about the Brotherhood of Steel


We learned a lot about Fallout 76 last month and even more once, we got our hands on the game after talking to Bethesda at a recent event. Although, overall, we have been impressed by what we have seen, there is a white hole – a hole that has been expertly pointed out by a Reddit user and we can not stop being obsessed with this idea .

Since Fallout 76 is a pre-spin-off we know that we will learn a lot about all the different aspects of the Fall franchise that we know and love over the years, but there seems to be some inconsistencies regarding the Brotherhood of Steel. We have a brief mention of it in a letter found in the online game, which can be seen below, but the user of Reddit's Baffodil & # 39; had more to say about it:

In his message, he notes that previously, the whole tradition stated that the Brotherhood of Steel was centered mainly – almost exclusively – in California. The original poster added: "The rulers having had to submit petitions just to make shipments to facilities even in California, the first known activity took place only in California around 2134. The Brotherhood of Steel found in WEST VIRGINIA in 2102 should be downright implausible.If it is not impossible, the implicit canon is that they were still hibernating in their bunker at Lost Hills. until 2150, after participating in a Mariposa Exodus directly south of their new base in 2077. "

Since the Brotherhood of Steel was created before Bethesda took over the franchise, it seems the studio has decided to rewrite a bit of the history of Wasteland.

Bethesda has now discovered that the Brotherhood of Steel was in West Virginia with sporadic equipment found in West Virginia. You can also see it below with some of the recent discoveries:

Bethesda's vice president, Pete Hines, has already said not to bother him because he "was not a regular," but as the OP notes, just a glance at the Brotherhood's Wiki page should show that it's possible to travel to West Virginia so soon after. war has no canonical meaning.

He added, however: "And just to clarify, there are thousands of miles of desert, land, mountains, rocks and rivers between California and West Virginia – it is highly unlikely that some verticals will have the fuel. needed to travel the distance even within 25 years, even though the Brotherhood should not have referees at this stage either, because they acquired them from the Enclave after the events of Fallout 2 in the 2200s, and even if they had them at that time, they would need fuel they did not need, because the upright tanks required frequent refueling and required a station just to maintain them. "

What do you think about the conspiracy hole Brotherhood of Steel? Are we paying too much attention to this topic or does Bethesda use this preamble as a new beginning? Ring with your thoughts in the comment section below!

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