& # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; beta now preloaded live on PlayStation 4 and PC


Fallout 76 The beta version is now pre-downloadable on the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms for those who are eligible to download the test.

After the Xbox One exclusive week, the beta version of Bethesda's new game will be available on other platforms on October 30th. Those who have pre-ordered the game should have received a code to use to download the beta and can do it now before the start date to make sure they will have as much time as possible with the beta during periods of time that follow. available.

Online users shared proof of the beta version of downloadable beta downloads from the PlayStation Store and an update of the Bethesda game launcher now showing the Fallout 76 beta as a download option. The beta does not exceed 45 GB, although you need more space than the PlayStation 4, the installation requires about 95 GB of free space. Those who play on consoles will have to download the game into a separate beta file when it comes out, but PC gamers will not have to, but progress will be reported from the beta to the full game.

Although Fallout 76 Beta testers that are not on the Xbox One platform can download the beta file. It will not be accessible until the beta is unlocked on October 30th. Xbox One users who first accessed the beta will have an extra two days before the test is reserved before they can access all three platforms at the same time. Bethesda shared the beta testing program this week and the following week, showing Xbox One users sharing four days of testing with the PlayStation 4 and the PC.

Before downloading the beta version, PC players can check the system requirements to see if their computer can work. Benefits 76. Bethesda has revealed the specifications required to run the game with the minimum parameters and requirements recommended by Bethesda to players before attempting to launch the game.

Fallout 76 The release of Bethesda is scheduled for November 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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