& # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; shows that Bethesda's engine has also passed its responsibility

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Fallout 76Bethesda

the Fallout 76 The beta opened just beyond the Xbox One and players flood into the West Virginia desert to see what happens before the game's release on November 14th.

The reactions are … mixed, but I do not want to debate the concept of Fallout 76 as I have done enough for the moment. I repeat, I'm not a big fan of this strange PvPvE mix that seems to have both a bad PvP and a lifeless PvE with a non-NPC card, where all quests are given by holotape.

But what I need to address, is how much this game is getting older in the current video game landscape, due to an old problem, the increasingly squeaky engine of Bethesda, which n & # 39; 39 is more "Gamebryo", as many believe, transformed into the creative engine, but nowadays it is rarely so called because it changes even further.

The Bethesda Motor has always been a bit in the industry. Although the Bethesda games are generally excellent, they are filled with often hilarious insects and rigid animations. But we have officially reached a point where the continuous modification of this same engine produces games like Fallout 76 it's enough to look and feel … terrible.

Although I'm not saying that you can never take a nice screen shot in Fallout 76 while the divine rays pass through the trees as they should, in general, it is not a beautiful game compared to its AAA competition. It seems that every month we get a new level of detail and beauty with a new version, and yet something like: Fallout 76 is coming and it's obviously worse than anything else with a crashing engine, even though new parts and improvements have been made to keep it going.

Fallout 76Bethesda

In Fallout 76, the textures often look pretty rough, and there's a lot of pop-in everywhere you go on the map. For my money, the worst thing about Bethesda games Skyrim at Fall is his character model in this era of motion capture, where everyone starts to look like cardboard cutouts at worst or at best real dolls. This is less noticeable with zero human NPCs out of 76, but every time you see another player or you watch in the third person for a while, it's still obvious how bad these models are (texturing armor / clothing is rather nice!). )

And then, there is the gameplay. It's really hard for me to think of a shooter who controls worse than Fall gambling outside VATS, and since 76 have virtually eliminated VATS, making it a weird kind of aimbot in real time, the fight in this game seems blurry, awkward and awful. I do not expect destiny here, but it feels really worse than the original Borderlands, a game released in 2009. VATS was truly the only saving grace of Fall fight, and without that, physics, sounds, controls, everything feels right.

All of this adds up to a huge delay, especially in Fallout 76The case. In general, Bethesda's engine problems are tolerable because the content of the games themselves is solid. But I do not think Fallout 76 only in his corner anymore, and even if that is a huge map that I would like to explore. I do not know if I have the courage to suffer from this engine, its visual effects and its game for more than 60 hours, even putting aside the problems related to PvP and NPCs.

Fallout 76Bethesda

It's no longer a mere memory, Bethesda's engine is an active shutdown, and I'm afraid they do not seem determined to continue updating and improving the engine for future games such as Starfield and SS6rather than wipe the slate.

"For Fallout 76 we have changed a lot, "Todd Howard told Gamestar this year. "The game uses a new rendering engine, a new lighting system and a new system for landscape generation. For Starfield even more that changes. And for The Elder Scrolls 6, even more on the horizon. We love our publisher. This allows us to create worlds very quickly and the moders know it very well. There are basic ways to create our games and this will continue because it allows us to be effective and we think it works better. "

There is probably no point in complaining about this, as the development of Bethesda's new games is underway and uses a new, modified version of the long-running engine, but the man is tougher than ever, and that strongly discourages me from playing Fallout 76 More precisely.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


the Fallout 76 The beta opened just beyond the Xbox One and players flood into the West Virginia desert to see what happens before the game's release on November 14th.

The reactions are … mixed, but I do not want to debate the concept of Fallout 76 as I have done enough for the moment. I repeat, I'm not a big fan of this strange PvPvE mix that seems to have both a bad PvP and a lifeless PvE with a non-NPC card, where all quests are given by holotape.

But what I need to address, is how much this game is getting older in the current video game landscape, due to an old problem, the increasingly squeaky engine of Bethesda, which n & # 39; 39 is more "Gamebryo", as many believe, transformed into the creative engine, but nowadays it is rarely so called because it changes even further.

The Bethesda Motor has always been a bit in the industry. Although the Bethesda games are generally excellent, they are filled with often hilarious insects and rigid animations. But we have officially reached a point where the continuous modification of this same engine produces games like Fallout 76 it's enough to look and feel … terrible.

Although I'm not saying that you can never take a nice screen shot in Fallout 76 while the divine rays pass through the trees as they should, in general, it is not a beautiful game compared to its AAA competition. It seems that every month we get a new level of detail and beauty with a new version, and yet something like: Fallout 76 is coming and it's obviously worse than anything else with a crashing engine, even though new parts and improvements have been made to keep it going.

In Fallout 76, the textures often look pretty rough, and there's a lot of pop-in everywhere you go on the map. For my money, the worst thing about Bethesda games Skyrim at Fall is his character model in this era of motion capture, where everyone starts to look like cardboard cutouts at worst or at best real dolls. This is less noticeable with zero human NPCs out of 76, but every time you see another player or you watch in the third person for a while, it's still obvious how bad these models are (texturing armor / clothing is rather nice!). )

And then, there is the gameplay. It's really hard for me to think of a shooter who controls worse than Fall gambling outside VATS, and since 76 have virtually eliminated VATS, making it a weird kind of aimbot in real time, the fight in this game seems blurry, awkward and awful. I do not expect destiny here, but it feels really worse than the original Borderlands, a game released in 2009. VATS was truly the only saving grace of Fall fight, and without that, physics, sounds, controls, everything feels right.

All of this adds up to a huge delay, especially in Fallout 76The case. In general, Bethesda's engine problems are tolerable because the content of the games themselves is solid. But I do not think Fallout 76 only in his corner anymore, and even if that is a huge map that I would like to explore. I do not know if I have the courage to suffer from this engine, its visual effects and its game for more than 60 hours, even putting aside the problems related to PvP and NPCs.

It's no longer a mere memory, Bethesda's engine is an active shutdown, and I'm afraid they do not seem determined to continue updating and improving the engine for future games such as Starfield and SS6rather than wipe the slate.

"For Fallout 76 we have changed a lot, "Todd Howard told Gamestar this year. "The game uses a new rendering engine, a new lighting system and a new system for landscape generation. For Starfield even more that changes. And for The Elder Scrolls 6, even more on the horizon. We love our publisher. This allows us to create worlds very quickly and the moders know it very well. There are basic ways to create our games and this will continue because it allows us to be effective and we think it works better. "

There is probably no point in complaining about this, as the development of Bethesda's new games is underway and uses a new, modified version of the long-running engine. Fallout 76 More precisely.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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