& # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; Tips to help you cross the desert


Now that Fallout 76 is live and for many, it is an unexpected journey in the online game, we thought we might be able to help a little bit. Because Bethesda is doing things a little differently this time, we have decided to provide you with a quick guide to ease the transition.

There is so much more to do than Vault 76 that people think. For this reason, here's what you need to know before diving into a server with 24 other survivors! Whether you're going out alone or in a group with three of your friends, here's our quick survival guide for the Fallout 76 experience!

Drag 1 of 7Take your time in the safe 76

When you start your journey in the game, you will wake up in Vault 76 – a situation that is no different from that of regulars in the franchise. The safe is cleaner than the previous chests and quite huge, which means that there is enough to explore before going out. There are also Stimpaks and other equipment to pick up before starting your trip.

And do not forget your party hat! You can see us pick it up in the video above. Do not consider standing – our voice conversation was cut off (it was a video dating back to October), but my group of players was having a hilarious moment to step back and to appreciate the journey.

Exploring the safe will also connect players to their C.A.M.P device, which is essential for creating your own structures in the game. Even better? This is a quick starting point. If at any time you want to go back and pick up everything you may have missed, it's as simple as a landmark.

Drag 2 of 7Familiarize yourself with the feeling of the game

Fallout 76 looks a lot like a single player sometimes. Even though I was in a team of four that was undertaking quests and learning more about the new map, I often found myself wandering alone and exploring on my own terms. Shoot Super Mutants, play the banjo or simply collect holotapes to hear other human voices – I did not feel like I was missing anything from myself. I could always fight, I could still participate in events, I could still learn more about the world – I could do what I wanted, as I wanted.

Despite being a multiplayer game, he sometimes felt lonely and this is not necessarily a bad thing. It's structured to explore. Like in real life, of course, it's Easier with friends but it's not necessary, and I did not feel punished by the game of leaving alone.

That being said, for those looking for a structure, I recommend you stick to the main storyline as long as you can. This reveals crucial information about the survivors while facilitating the progression and obtaining of these bonus cards.

Drag 3 of 7Speaking of Perk cards

The Perk Card system in play is interesting, but it also gives the player a lot of freedom. Instead of sticking to a specific skill line, players can carefully craft their character piece by piece so that the survivor they find fit to roam these country roads.

This system in place does not also offer freedom but a learning curve. All of these brilliant attributes known from previous games are available, but players must win them. This gives more meaning to the "grind" while providing players a reason to invest in the world of West Virginia.

Drag 4 of 7Scavenge, Scavenge, Scavenge

All Fall Fans need to know how important cleaning is now and with a game so focused on survival and autonomy, it's even more vital. Take all. There are literally workbenches everywhere to scrap materials and make adjustments to armor and weapons. This gives the player more control over his statistics and the type of equipment he has in the dangerous woods of West Virginia.

In the same order of ideas, there is no problem of "not enough loot". If two players go to something, they can equip it. The trading of objects is also available, which is convenient for times when the ammo becomes a bit too low for comfort.

Drag 5 of 7Party with friends

Whether you want to loot solo or group with friends, Fallout 76 really offers the choice to choose your style of play. That said, certain aspects of the game, including events, are much easier and more manageable with people at your back.

Since this is the first time a Fall The game has all the abilities online, one understands why many hesitate, but the social aspect – even for those who do not like social games – adds an entirely new immersion layer to the experience. Strangers even came to help me with equipment when I solicited them for help! This is not the painful war that many feared.

You do not have any friends interested in playing? You can also ask to join a group, just come in and ask to join a group if it is not a complete party.

Drag 6 of 7Stay hydrated!

Sounds silly, right? But that's not it! This is where aspects of survival come into play – It is actually possible to starve or become dehydrated in the game. Since much of the water is irradiated, it is essential to have drinking water and replenish other means. Do not expect this gauge to be dangerously low, be sure to always keep the food and water in your belly!

Drag 7 of 7Have fun and go sightseeing

At the end of the day, it's a game. Go out, explore, enjoy! This card is four times larger than any other card in the history of the franchise! There are so many joyful discoveries to make, so many hidden Easter eggs to find. Take your time and do not feel in a hurry. This game is for you so be sure to go there and enjoy it!

Fallout 76 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Interested in seeing our thoughts on online gambling? Check out our comprehensive review here!

You can contact the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.

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