& # 39; Fallout 76 & # 39; will solve one of the most annoying problems after the return of the beta

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Fallout 76Bethesda

the Fallout 76 The beta version (I have refused to write B.E.T.A.) is coming to an end and Bethesda is absorbing feedback for potential changes from a game that will be released in six days. You can not really do much in this window, but at least one thing is being changed in a "near future" that has bothered fans during the beta.

A common complaint, especially on PC, was the prevalence of open discussion about the open world by default in the beta, which meant you could hear the voice of anyone with a microphone nearby. Bethesda's explanation was: "Our goal with default voice chat is to emphasize that the world is alive with real people, other players like you. We like to start by encouraging the interaction between the players. "

The problem? There is an idea of ​​how it will work in theory, then there is reality. Let me explain:

In theory:

"Wow, I just found a great treasure chest here, mate, come check it out."

In practice:

"Hey, can you have a darling lunch? Double cheeseburger Dr. Pepper thank you.

In theory:

"Hey, do you want to team up to eliminate this global boss here?"

In practice:

"Kaylee! Kaylee! Dad is playing a game now, go find mom. (screaming child) "

In theory:

"Trying to shoot me, buddy? You descend!"

In practice:

(irreplaceable insults and insults)

You get what I say. Most of the time, people who leave their microphone emit all sorts of unwanted noises, babies crying to aspirants, sirens to constant food, not to mention the possible problems of harassment.

Fallout 76Bethesda

The players asked for the opportunity to push to speak, which means that your microphone would not be turned on all the time. Originally, Bethesda had said it would "consider adding that in the future," but after even more blame that claimed they did not understand the problem, they were updated to " will add it in the near future. "

Again, Fallout 76 appears in six days, the problem with all these comments on the beta is that none of them will be corrected / modified for launch. Another common computer problem, for example, concerns people complaining about the lack of an FOV slider, but that seems to be something that will not be added because Bethesda says that its engine is down, of course.

Each game usually starts with problems to fix, but the games in Bethesda are generally more disturbing than most others. Personally, I did not have a lot of problems with the Fall The beta on Xbox One X and my problems with 76 are more conceptual than technical, but I know others have had problems.

We will see in which state the game will be launched next week, I suppose.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


the Fallout 76 The beta version (I have refused to write B.E.T.A.) is coming to an end and Bethesda is absorbing feedback for potential changes from a game that will be released in six days. You can not really do much in this window, but at least one thing is being changed in a "near future" that has bothered fans during the beta.

A common complaint, especially on PC, was the prevalence of open discussion about the open world by default in the beta, which meant you could hear the voice of anyone with a microphone nearby. Bethesda's explanation was: "Our goal with default voice chat is to emphasize that the world is alive with real people, other players like you. We like to start by encouraging the interaction between the players. "

The problem? There is an idea of ​​how it will work in theory, then there is reality. Let me explain:

In theory:

"Wow, I just found a great treasure chest here, mate, come check it out."

In practice:

"Hey, can you have a darling lunch? Double cheeseburger Dr. Pepper thank you.

In theory:

"Hey, do you want to team up to eliminate this global boss here?"

In practice:

"Kaylee! Kaylee! Dad is playing a game now, go find mom. (screaming child) "

In theory:

"Trying to shoot me, buddy? You descend!"

In practice:

(irreplaceable insults and insults)

You get what I say. Most of the time, people who leave their microphone emit all sorts of unwanted noises, babies crying to aspirants, sirens to constant food, not to mention the possible problems of harassment.

The players asked for the opportunity to push to speak, which means that your microphone would not be turned on all the time. Originally, Bethesda said it would "consider adding that in the future," but after even more blame that they did not understand the problem, they were updated to "get it add in the near future ".

Again, Fallout 76 appears in six days, the problem with all these comments on the beta is that none of them will be corrected / modified for launch. Another common computer problem, for example, concerns people complaining about the lack of an FOV slider, but that seems to be something that will not be added because Bethesda says that its engine is down, of course.

Each game usually starts with problems to fix, but the games in Bethesda are generally more disturbing than most others. Personally, I did not have a lot of problems with the Fall The beta on Xbox One X and my problems with 76 are more conceptual than technical, but I know others have had problems.

We will see in which state the game will be launched next week, I suppose.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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