& # 39; Fortin & # 39; Season 5, Week 1 challenges revealed, and how to solve them

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Season 5, Fortnite Week 1 Challenges Credit: Epic Games

The Fortnite Season 5 is here! For those who join us, the Battle Pass is a punctual microtransaction that you can upgrade over a 10-week season, by accessing a treasure trove of new skins, emotes, picks and backs. in some respects, but none of them is as effective as meeting the weekly challenges that occur every Thursday morning: defeating enemies in a particular place, stalking treasure or other strange objects on the map season: now the first four challenges will be available for all free-to-play players or others, while the last three will be reserved for owners of battle passes. to the opponents (0/500)

  • Search a supply Lama (0/1)
  • Eliminations of Clinger, Stink Bomb, or Pomegranate (0/3) HARD
  • Search for Chests in Snobby Shores (0/7)
  • Search Floating Flash (0 / 7)
  • Follow the treasure map in Risky Reels (0/1) HARD
  • Eliminate the opponents in the row of detail (0/3) HARD
  • From the top, then. SMGS should not be too hard: they are one of the most ubiquitous items, and effective in the short and medium term. You do not need to kill anyone here, just need to put some damage. A good way to meet a challenge of damage

    The search for a supply lama is mostly a matter of luck. These are bright purple pinatas that are found all over the world, and you'll just have to drag it out until you find one. Do not worry, you will do it.

    Fortnite: The new stink bombs of Battle Royale. Credit: Epic Games

    The eliminations of Clinger, Stink Bomb and Grenade will be painful. It's just what it looks like: you have to kill an enemy with one of these three objects, three times. All come with their strengths and weaknesses, but grenades will be by far the most available. Do not stress and do not use the objects when you get them: you can also finish with an opponent on the ground if you prefer it a little easier.

    Snobby Shores has a ton of chests, so it should not be too hard. A good location here is the southernmost house, which has a secret bunker in the basement with at least one safe there, usually more. This is not as popular, so you might have a little respite to open them. Remember that no one is going to Snobby's the rest of the time, so it should be easy to complete next week if you can be patient.

    We should have a guide for floating lighting bolts in one second,

    And here is where you will want to go treasure map in Risky Reels.

    Eliminating opponents in Retail Row is as easy and difficult as it sounds. Just drop, charge and do your best. The place is going to be an absolute madhouse this week, so you will finally get there. Netting this entire list will get you 50 Battle Stars, or five whole levels.

  • Challenges of Season 5, Fortnite Week 1 Credit: Epic Games

  • The Fortnite of Season 5 is here! Those who have just joined us, the Combat Pass is a punctual microtransaction that you can upgrade over a 10-week season, by accessing a treasure of new skins, emotes, picks and rear gussets. . in a few ways, but none of them is as effective as taking up the weekly challenges that appear every Thursday morning: to defeat enemies in a particular place to hunt for treasures or others weird objects across the map. : now the first four challenges will be available for all free-to-play players or others, while the last three will be reserved for owners of a fight pass The challenges of week 1 have just fallen, so let's get into the game.

    • with SMGS to the opponents (0/500)
    • Search for a purchaser (0/1)
    • Eliminations of clive, stink bomb or pomegranate (0/3) HARD
    • Search for Search Chests in Snobby Shores (0/7)
    • Search Lightning Thunder (0/7)
    • Follow the Treasure Map in Risky Reels (0/1) HARD
    • Eliminate opponents in the row of detail (0/3) HARD

    From the top, then. SMGS should not be too hard: they are one of the most ubiquitous items, and effective in the short and medium term. You do not need to kill anyone here, just need to put some damage. A good way to meet a challenge in terms of damage

    The search for a supply lama is mostly a matter of luck. These are bright purple pinatas that are found all over the world, and you'll just have to drag it out until you find one. Do not worry, you will do it.

    Fortnite: the new stink bombs of Battle Royale Source: Epic Games

    Clinger, Stink Bomb and Grenada Eliminations are going to be painful. It's just what it looks like: you have to kill an enemy with one of these three objects, three times. All come with their strengths and weaknesses, but grenades will be by far the most available. Do not stress and do not use the objects when you get them: you can also finish with an opponent on the ground if you prefer it a little easier.

    Snobby Shores has a ton of chests, so it should not be too hard. A good location here is the southernmost house, which has a secret bunker in the basement with at least one safe there, usually more. This is not as popular, so you might have a little respite to open them. Remember that no one is going to Snobby's the rest of the time, so it should be easy to complete next week if you can be patient.

    We should have a guide for floating lighting bolts in one second,

    And here is where you will want to go treasure map in Risky Reels.

    Eliminating opponents in Retail Row is as easy and difficult as it sounds. Just drop, charge and do your best. The place is going to be an absolute madhouse this week, so you will finally get there. Netting this entire list will get you 50 Battle Stars, or five whole levels. It's a long way to the top.

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