& # 39; Fortnite & # 39; gets a four-player Playground workout mode


Playground is essentially a private version of the main island that can accommodate up to four players. When they are spawned, squads have up to an hour to "create, play and train" without being under pressure from a storm that is fast approaching. The storm is still present, but it will only begin to get closer during the last five minutes of a match.

In order to make it semi-competitive, Epic allowed friendly fire – something that was present in the Royal Battle Mode when it was launched – and allowed unlimited re-runs (unless a player is killed by the storm). Future builders will be pleased to know that resources are being collected at a rate ten times the normal rate and that 100 lamas are also present to deliver materials, traps, health, shields and other damaged items. Chests and ammunition boxes are also scattered all over the island, ensuring that the weapons are not short of bullets.

The new training mode is designed to give novice players a safe introduction to the game, but will also provide professional players with a sandbox to test new strategies. Because the competitive element is always present, players will also be able to face their friends for the first time.

Playground is without a doubt the most notable part of today 's update, but Epic has also made a number of weapon settings in the game. The first is the introduction of Double guns, epic and legendary cannons that individually shoot separate turns with a trigger press. Tactical and silenced SMGs also received slight increases, with improvements in precision and damage values.

Other settings include new markers, which now display a colorful beam of light on the island itself, rather than just inside the map. Explosives now damage all structures in their range, whether they are visible or not. Oh, and the grenade launchers are now shooting fireworks instead of grenades (the damage is still the same, though).

There is no word yet on how Epic intends to change the dynamics of the building inside its very popular royal shooting game. Last week, the company said it had to support "a wide range of play styles and counter-game" in order to thrive, which included the suggestion that materials would be reduced in order to stop each game of "end".[ing] in a construction. "

The Playground Mode puts more material at the disposal of the players, so it would make sense that Epic limits the number of woods, bricks and metal that a player can carry, rather than reducing the amount of resources available in the game.

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