& # 39; Fortnite & # 39; presents new epic rockets & # 39; Quad Launcher & # 39; this week


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Fortnite Quad LauncherCredit: Epic Games

It's a weapon we've known for a very long time, but it seems to be finally making its way into Fortnite: Battle Royale. According to an on-the-go notification, the Quad Launcher is coming soon and looks like a beast: a large shoulder-mounted rocket launcher mounted on four tubes and what appears to be an epic rarity. Here is the description of the newsfeed:

Quickly fire up to 4 rockets to cover an area of ​​explosive damage. "

It's this word "cover" that interests me here. It seems to me that it will be first and foremost a weapon of destruction / removal of the structure, probably with stopping power somewhere south of Fortnite current rocket and grenade launcher. Rockets are already a powerful weapon in the game, and the ability to fire four rounds of damage equivalent to a standard rocket would be too powerful, even for a game that has no major problem in introducing weapons that always sound under control.

Aside from the damage, the other big question mark is the rate of fire. It is clear that the speed of reloading makes ordinary rockets less useful, and the idea of ​​a Quad Launcher would be to check four shots in quick succession. But there is fast and instantaneous: a very fast rate of fire could theoretically allow you to overcome the walls faster than your enemies can rebuild. A little slower and it still works for suppression, but not as good for a total assault.

The Quad Launcher will also be limited by the fact that a player can only launch 12 rockets in combat, which translates into three complete rounds. That's enough for it to count in a quick confrontation, but it could easily be frustrating during an extended shootout, especially in team mode. I'm very curious to see how this one stops when it comes into the game: Epic announced a lot of weapons and items that seemed of an absurd power in the past to discover that they had a place more restricted in the meta, at least with the exception of the guided missile. We'll see how epic it is when it finally lands.


Fortnite Quad LauncherCredit: Epic Games

It's a weapon we've known for a very long time, but it seems to be finally making its way into Fortnite: Battle Royale. According to an on-the-go notification, the Quad Launcher is coming soon and looks like a beast: a large shoulder-mounted rocket launcher mounted on four tubes and what appears to be an epic rarity. Here is the description of the newsfeed:

Quickly fire up to 4 rockets to cover an area of ​​explosive damage. "

It's this word "cover" that interests me here. It seems to me that it will be first and foremost a weapon of destruction / removal of the structure, probably with stopping power somewhere south of Fortnite current rocket and grenade launcher. Rockets are already a powerful weapon in the game, and the ability to fire four rounds of damage equivalent to a standard rocket would be too powerful, even for a game that has no major problem in introducing weapons that always sound under control.

Aside from the damage, the other big question mark is the rate of fire. It is clear that the speed of reloading makes ordinary rockets less useful, and the idea of ​​a Quad Launcher would be to check four shots in quick succession. But there is fast and instantaneous: a very fast rate of fire could theoretically allow you to overcome the walls faster than your enemies can rebuild. A little slower and it still works for suppression, but not as good for a total assault.

The Quad Launcher will also be limited by the fact that a player can only engage 12 rockets in combat, which translates into three complete rounds. That's enough for it to count in a quick confrontation, but it could easily be frustrating during an extended shootout, especially in team mode. I'm very curious to see how this one stops when it comes into the game: Epic announced a lot of weapons and items that seemed of an absurd power in the past to discover that they had a place more restricted in the meta, at least with the exception of the guided missile. We'll see how epic it is when it finally lands.

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