& # 39; Halloween Terror 201 & # 39; Dates revealed


The dates for Monitor The Halloween Terror 2018 event, which is Halloween themed, has been unveiled. The event will begin next week and will continue until the end of October.

Revealed in a tweet from Europe Eve Twitter account, an enigma of rhymes was followed by a teaser showing a Eve the map becomes dark and ominous before displaying the Halloween Terror logo with the skin of Dr. Junkenstein Junkrat, a face appropriate for Monitor Halloween event. The event will begin on October 9th and will continue until October 31st for Halloween.

Blizzard has not yet revealed what will be included in this Halloween event, but the castle featured in the trailer gives an idea of ​​what players can expect. The map shown is Eichenwalde, a map that was redefined for Halloween during the Halloween Terror event of 2017. If the trailer shows the same map again, it looks like the theme on the Halloween theme be back again at this year's event, even if it's unknown if it's the only one to feature Halloween.

In addition to Junkenstein's Revenge game mode, which was introduced last year with a new endless mode added, new skins and other cosmetics were added, as with all others. Halloween Event. More than 50 seasonal items were released last year with several legendary skins made available. The skin of Reaper's Dracula, Van Helsing McCree, Dragon Symmetra and Zenyatta skin, Cthulhu-themed, were among the most coveted cosmetics that players could acquire during the competition last year. . 2018. Intros, emotes and themed boxes were also launched last year to occupy the players during the few weeks when the event is available. The description of the loot of Halloween last year below gives an idea of ​​what can be won. From this.

"Celebrate the scary season with a Halloween Terror loot box, filled with new skins, emotes, highlights, avatars, sprays, vocal lines, and more," said the event 's event page. last year of Blizzard. "You can also buy items that you missed at last year's event with credits at a discounted price.More than 140 cosmetic items are available, but do not wait too long: these loot boxes will disappear in a cloud of smoke before you know it. "

Monitor The Halloween Terror 2018 event will take place from October 9th to 31st.

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