& # 39; Immortal Diablo & # 39; is really fun you have titled babies


& # 39; Immortal Diablo & # 39; is the first game 'Diablo & # 39; on mobile.
& # 39; Immortal Diablo & # 39; is the first game 'Diablo & # 39; on mobile.

Image: entertainment blizzard

When Diablo Immortal was revealed at the BlizzCon on Friday, I thought it looked cool.

Many people disagreed and immediately began complaining online and in person about this slight appearance, this bastardization of "their" frankness, of this total abandonment of rational thought by a company that regularly creates some of the best and the most successful ones ever exist.

Well, guess what, you called the crybabies. I played Diablo Immortal at BlizzCon shortly after its revelation, and it's very entertaining.

Take a look at the gameplay trailer, which features some bloody classics. Diablo action against the Gothic Sanctuary world that fans have hacked and hacked countless times.

The boss fights are interesting, the levels are more dynamic than ever and, to be honest, I like it Diablo Immortal aesthetic more than I like Diablo 3is aesthetic.

I got my hands on the demo of it and I exploded through the levels with a barbarian, and then again with a wizard. It was great – the controls are simple and very well arranged, the action is classic Diablo, and the level design had a great feeling of apprehension. And this comes from someone who is not usually a fan of touch controls.

Part of the beauty of Diablo The franchise is that it's pretty easy to navigate, and this simple motion system translates very well to the mobile with Diablo Immortal.

You move using a digital analog "stick" on the left side of the screen, while all your abilities are arranged on the right side of the screen. This is quite similar to the way the game works with a console controller. And that seems just as intuitive and easy.

The wizard is fighting a big old demon.

The wizard is fighting a big old demon.

Image: entertainment blizzard

And yet, without even trying the game, tons of people blame Blizzard for daring to make a new Diablo Game. Just look at the answers to Recent tweets from Diablo's Twitter account.

I am a huge Diablo fan. Many people who are Mad Online ™ about Diablo Immortal pretend to be fans of the franchise too.


So, why are they crazy that there is a new Diablo Thu?

Because it's on mobile.

People immediately mocked him, calling the announcement a joke, because they think the game is inherently bad and will surely be filled with micro-transactions that undermine the integrity of the series.

People are also crazy that Blizzard has not announced new content for Diablo 3 and has not announced Diablo 4, the last of which the company has expressly stated that it would not reveal.

So, I just have one thing to say to people who are angry, Blizzard, who employs a team that did not even work on the main machine. Diablo franchise, makes a new Diablo game: Growing up.

You are entitled to nothing. Game companies do not owe you anything. You do not just get what you want and then get angry when your personal dreams do not come true. Blizzard did not give up the kernel Diablo franchise just because he's created a mobile game.

Do you get upset when Blizzard announces a World of Warcraft update when you were hoping for a Warcraft 4? No, because you understand that these two things would be done by two different teams and that Blizzard does not have to make a new strategy in real time. Warcraft Thu.

From what I saw and played, Diablo Immortal is a fun, quality Diablo game that keeps this little something that makes the franchise so special. You do not have to play, but whining online makes you look like a toddler.

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