& # 39; Read Dead Redemption 2: Practical work with Rockstar's new revolutionary game


Rockstar Games revealed the first hours of his next Western match, Red Dead Redemption 2.

The game, one of the most anticipated titles of recent years, is a precedent of 2011 Red Dead Redemption. he takes place 12 years before the events of the original and is centered on the infamous Dutch van der Linde Gang who flees in pursuit of a lawyer following a pirogue flight that went wrong.

The game opens on a blinding snowstorm as Dutch and his outlaw group painfully climb the precarious precipice of the Grizzly Mountains, retreating to the east to overcome both the true storm and the legal storm on his back.

The control is quickly passed to the player who assumes the role of Arthur Morgan, the right arm of Dutch and a member of the gang since his childhood. The events that preceded their Alpine exodus are slowly (but not completely) revealed during the approximately four hours of play.

Morgan is a hard man, with a drawl and a deep sense of loyalty, though the veneer of reverence through which he sees his leader showing slight signs of crack when he discusses Blackwater's evil mission which has leads the group high in the frost. Grizzlies peaks.

The first mission of the game takes place as a two-handed game as Dutch and Morgan cross the snowfall in search of their lost compatriots. At the top of a faithful courier, the player discovers a game mechanism located in the heart of the Red Dead Redemption 2: ride a horse.

Rockstar has made the process both incredibly easy to approach and complex to master completely. By pressing the X button (the game was featured on a PlayStation 4), Morgan's horse lines up next to the other members of his gang. Press the button twice to have the horse accelerate and ride in tandem toward the detachment leader.

While exploring, a quick press on the L2 trigger button may reveal optional dialog choices to communicate with those surrounding Morgan. Alternatively, if Morgan has a weapon equipped (rifle, pistol, knife or crossbow), the same button pulls up a targeting reticle.

The difference is essential, especially when the isolated snowy panoramas of the Grizzly Mountains give way to an exploration of the open world later on. Any NPCs encountered could be interacted and responses varied considerably from one person to the next.

Want to steal this wagon next door? Just hold down the L2 key and many options become available, ranging from the simple "rob" option to "antagonize" to "reject". Robberies are as varied as the inhabitants of the world. Some victims of your evil intentions will simply run away. Others may retreat far enough and keep an eye on you in case they could get on their horse and lay the spurs on it. Still others will meet your hostility in nature, which will provoke a frenzy of bullets or a rapid de-escalation of Bravados in rage and dueling.

Of course, the game is not only for those who want to live their darkest and darkest fantasies. While browsing the vast countryside, Morgan will hear calls from other runners or the stray cries of a soul in distress further away from the road. A case of this kind that occurred during The Hollywood journalistThe play of the film included a gentleman with glasses caught in a bear trap. He was released (cautiously, because one must always be on the lookout for an ambush tense by bandits), but not without being let down by the option of "antagonizing" dialogue. Morgan can be a real son of a bitch.

This report is not uncommon in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. The interaction between the Van der Linde Gang is superb, with strong personalities constantly clashing with head and commercial speeches. The game instantly gives the player the feeling of being part of this strange family, made up of over 20 individual characters, deeply developed, human and truly convincing.

Add to this the fact that the gang does not interact only with Morgan, but between them. The camp is a living unit and runs daily – literally. If players fall into the camp at dawn, they will see other members of their gangs dress up with long clothes and get ready for breakfast.

It also extends to the rest of the world. When Morgan arrives in a city late at night, only some businesses are open and, as the night advances on the noisy crowd in a local living room, a handful of drunks collapse on the tables.

The internal clock of the game also has an effect on Morgan himself. Spend a few days blurring it in nature and her beard and hair will become wild and neglected. A quick stop at the hairdresser will suffice, but unlike so many other RPG character customization screens in the past, Morgan can no longer grow the hair like magic once his saddle has been worn behind the seat. Barber's leather. You want a handlebar mustache at the Kurt Russell in The Hateful Eight? Then Morgan had to let his beard grow long enough to be carved into such a majestic sculpture of facial follicles.

What Rockstar wants to do with Red Dead Redemption 2 – a large-scale company on which each of the company's global studios works – creates the next generation of open-world games. As this is the first studio project built entirely on and for the current generation of consoles (2013 Grand Theft Auto V was originally designed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 generations before being focused on the current generation), Red Dead Redemption 2 This looks like a significant step forward from its predecessor and previous Rockstar titles, but also for the game in general.

At the release of the game on October 26, many viewers may overlook simple details, such as unique reloading and arming animations on the game's many weapons, collectibles that disappear from the game. when they are recovered, how are firearms and animal skins stored on Morgan's horse, how do blood and mud stick to Morgan's clothes or to the skin of his horse. But every detail is meticulously cared for.

At one point in the game, a real conversation diverted my eyes from the screen for a brief moment, forcing my horse to hit a rock and knock Morgan off the saddle. When the demo advanced, to a point where Morgan and the horse had formed a stronger bond, my horse simply passed such obstacles.

Immersion, strong dialogue and captivating intrigues are certainly major assets for all media titles, but what is perhaps most important for any game, is how good the gameplay is . In Red Dead Redemption 2The sensation of the gun game is sufficiently heavy and varied, from the gun to the rifle rifle through the bow and the arrow. Stealth approaches to enemy encampments provide patience while using firearms. Flaming is a thrilling realization of the Old West's mighty hero's wish – if they have the goal of quick triggering to achieve it.

Even in the short demo, the missions were extremely different and many of them unfolded organically as they explored the world. While Red Dead Redemption 2 Provides total strength on the forefront of action-adventure, it can be even more captivating in quiet subtlety while simply helping a passerby or chasing the local deer.

All the many charms of the game are enhanced by an absolutely beautiful score, both authentic and undeniably modern. Traveling through a muddy swamp while night fog settles around Morgan's horse on the guitar slide tunes and bass notes of a cello is enough to produce goose bumps.

Although it was only a small part of the game, the demo was tired enough to give an idea of ​​the world's reach, rich character designs, and the basic game mechanics of what should be the biggest version of the game. game of 2018.

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