& # 39; Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; could finally be the sun's moment on Xbox One X

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Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

Everyone is delirious Red Dead Redemption 2, published today worldwide, and among its many praises, one that goes almost without saying is the beauty of the new open world of Rockstar.

This is not a surprise for anyone who has already viewed screenshots and videos of the game in the run-up to the release. It's one thing to look at the promotional material and another to play the game yourself. And it turns out that in this case, it's really important or you play it.

In the absence of PC version, we have a real console war between PS4 and Xbox One, each seeking to become the console of choice for Red Dead Redemption 2, Sony has signed a promotional contract with Rockstar, but in the end, it seems that the Xbox, especially the Xbox One X, is the best choice.

Digital Foundry compared its usual console for the game, but this time, the winner, the Xbox One X, was very clear, with a big gap between it and the PS4 Pro, more than usual. I will not go into technical details, but the fact is that Rockstar has so far pushed back the graphics envelope of this generation of consoles, it is finally the power of the Xbox One X, which has always exceeded expectations . of PS4 Pro, is finally, really come into play.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

We have not really had a moment like this yet for the Xbox One X, a console that Microsoft reminds us every turn is "the most powerful in the world." Most of this year's best games have been exclusive to Sony, namely God of the war and Spider Man, both of which look great on the Pro, and by definition, there is no comparison to make with the Xbox One. On the other side, the Xbox One X has Forza, which seems obviously incredible, but Forza the games are still doing so no one has been terribly surprised by this. And again, no counterpart on PlayStation.

But other shared games? I really did not hear this debate at all. Destiny 2, Monster Hunter, Black Ops 4, Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I really did not hear anyone say that it is essential to play on Xbox One X on PS4 Pro. Of course, the Xbox One X is probably the best performance in any case, but it seems that none of these games have gone as far in the rainbow as Rockstar. Red Dead Redemption 2, pushing almost out of bounds and doing things that ultimately, only the Xbox One X can do justice to. That's not to say that PS4 players are going to have a bad time, but eventually we may have our first big difference between the two huge consoles when I have not seen it so far, even though I owned and played games at once.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

Although this is a win for Microsoft and may encourage some additional sales for Xbox One X during this holiday, this situation seems to show that Microsoft's big investment in the X1X did not really succeed as expected. Microsoft and its fans claim that the X1X has always been cherished by a tech-savvy niche, and yet I think they hoped it would change the conversation about the console race, and that the Xbox One X would the alternative solution for every third title because of its overwhelming power. And yet, this is the first time I have seen this happen since the purchase of the system a year ago.

In addition, it is difficult to know when this will happen again. In the future, Microsoft's exclusive landscape remains sterile (Crackdown 3 Of course, this is not going to show X1X's graphic prowess, judging by what we've seen), and I have trouble thinking about other third-party titles that will push the technical boundaries much Red Dead right here. Anthem? Battlefield 5? This seems unlikely and, with a whole new generation of consoles in just two years, the Xbox One X will have an abnormal lifespan. Hope that if Microsoft can keep With this level of power at the launch of the next generation, we may not be as enthusiastic as the disastrous launch of the Xbox One in 2013, but I find it strange that this is the first time in a year. that a game made everyone admire the power of the Xbox One X on the PS4 Pro, despite so many other versions.

And so, I'm super excited to play Red Dead on my Xbox One X, and this article takes away valuable cowboy time. We'll see each other there.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

Everyone is delirious Red Dead Redemption 2, published today worldwide, and among its many praises, one that goes almost without saying is the beauty of the new open world of Rockstar.

This is not a surprise for anyone who has already viewed screenshots and videos of the game in the run-up to the release. It's one thing to look at the promotional material and another to play the game yourself. And it turns out that in this case, it's really important or you play it.

In the absence of PC version, we have a real console war between PS4 and Xbox One, each seeking to become the console of choice for Red Dead Redemption 2, Sony has signed a promotional contract with Rockstar, but in the end, it seems that the Xbox, especially the Xbox One X, is the best choice.

Digital Foundry compared its usual console for the game, but this time, the winner, the Xbox One X, was very clear, with a big gap between it and the PS4 Pro, more than usual. I will not go into technical details, but the fact is that Rockstar has so far pushed back the graphics envelope of this generation of consoles, it is finally the power of the Xbox One X, which has always exceeded expectations . of PS4 Pro, is finally, really come into play.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

We have not really had a moment like this yet for the Xbox One X, a console that Microsoft reminds us every turn is "the most powerful in the world." Most of this year's best games have been exclusive to Sony, namely God of the war and Spider Man, both of which look great on the Pro, and by definition, there is no comparison to make with the Xbox One. On the other side, the Xbox One X has Forza, which seems obviously incredible, but Forza the games are still doing so no one has been terribly surprised by this. And again, no counterpart on PlayStation.

But other shared games? I really did not hear this debate at all. Destiny 2, Monster Hunter, Black Ops 4, Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I really did not hear anyone say that it is essential to play on Xbox One X on PS4 Pro. Of course, the Xbox One X is probably the best performance in any case, but it seems that none of these games have gone as far in the rainbow as Rockstar. Red Dead Redemption 2, pushing almost out of bounds and doing things that ultimately, only the Xbox One X can do justice to. That's not to say that PS4 players are going to have a bad time, but eventually we may have our first big difference between the two huge consoles when I have not seen it so far, even though I owned and played games at once.

Red Dead Redemption 2Rock star

Although this is a win for Microsoft and may encourage some additional sales for Xbox One X during this holiday, this situation seems to show that Microsoft's big investment in the X1X did not really succeed as expected. Microsoft and its fans claim that the X1X has always been cherished by a tech-savvy niche, and yet I think they hoped it would change the conversation about the console race, and that the Xbox One X would the alternative solution for every third title because of its overwhelming power. And yet, this is the first time I have seen this happen since the purchase of the system a year ago.

In addition, it is difficult to know when this will happen again. In the future, Microsoft's exclusive landscape remains sterile (Crackdown 3 Of course, this is not going to show X1X's graphic prowess, judging by what we've seen), and I have trouble thinking about other third-party titles that will push the technical boundaries much Red Dead right here. Anthem? Battlefield 5? This seems unlikely and, with a whole new generation of consoles in just two years, the Xbox One X will have an abnormal lifespan. Hope that if Microsoft can keep With this level of power at the launch of the next generation, we may not be as enthusiastic as the disastrous launch of the Xbox One in 2013, but I find it strange that this is the first time in a year. that a game made everyone admire the power of the Xbox One X on the PS4 Pro, despite so many other versions.

And so, I'm super excited to play Red Dead on my Xbox One X, and this article takes away valuable cowboy time. We'll see each other there.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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