& # 39; Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39; is wonderful and disappointing at the same time

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"The guests do not come in because of the obvious things we do, the screaming things, they come back because of the subtleties, the details, they come back because they find out something that they imagine nobody's 39, had never noticed before Something in which they fall They are not looking for a story that tells them who they are, they already know who they are.They are here because they want to have a glimpse of what they might be.The only thing your story tells me, Mr. Sizemore, is who you are. "

~ Dr. Robert Ford, "Westworld"

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful and frustrating game.Credit: Rockstar Games

What a strange game Red Dead Redemption 2 is, and I mean that as a good and a bad thing. I have a story of love / hate with Rockstar's latest masterpiece, and it suits me. Most.

On one side, my jaw constantly falls in front of the beauty of the vast and vast border of the game. On the other hand, I feel strangely confined by its missions and its structure.

I find myself alternating between a sense of fear over the scope of all this – the beautiful music, the snow-swept peaks and the sprawling forest – and a sense of fear of having to search another hut or loot another field of corpses.

I am intrigued by the strange systems, the lack of quick return to the camp (although there is a workaround, somehow) the lack of maneuverability of the controls, slowness and l ;boredom.

Then I find myself laughing under the spell of his humor. The drinking scene with Lenny was brilliant and hilarious. Dialogue and play are so good sometimes that I find myself completely absorbed. It's not just one of the best video games ever created, it's one of the best westerns ever created, and I'm not just talking about video game westerns. It's an epic masterpiece and a frustrating job at a time.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

What a strange and wonderful game.

I like that Rockstar does not shoot shots here. I like the fact that they have a strong author's voice. I'm glad it 's not a generic open – world game like so many others, and that it' s filled with mechanisms really different from the ones we 've seen in previous Rockstar titles.

But I hate going through the camp so slowly. I hate the fact that so many times this game allows us to do exactly what it wants rather than let us explore freely. I want more of that Deus Ex the freedom to tackle everything on my own terms. I want more of this glorious Legend of Zelda: Breath of Nature System-based gameplay that rewards experimentation and freedom. BOTW gives you a set of tools and a sandbox in which you can play and then frees you. Trial and error is the most basic mechanics of this game.

Of course, in this game, I wanted maybe a little more story. Maybe what I really want is something in between these two extremes. Something with a strong story and great characters that still gives me the freedom to really explore and experiment with gaming systems.

The man in black from WestworldCredit: HBO

I think Jeff Grubb is doing a great job in summarizing the problem of the game's containment structure when he compares it to Westworld:

I've seen a lot of people compare Red Dead Redemption 2 to the HBO sci-fi drama Western world. And although I know it's already happening to evoke this series in relation to Red Dead Redemption 2, I think it's important to note that this game has nothing to do with Western world.

Both are complicated cuckoo clocks with written stories, but that 's not why people go to the West World attractions park. They go there because they can affect it. The robotic characters that make up the attraction have deep systems that respond to and react to the decisions of the player characters. This allows unique experiences to emerge from written stories.

Red Dead Redemption 2 does not have that.

This is an excellent point. Obviously, we are far from the technological advancement of From Westworld fiction, but we can always strive for narrative systems that only video games can really achieve. Rockstar is too close to a more rigid narrative approach. I want a longer leash. Maybe it will be Red Dead Online is all about.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

Grubb also points out that mechanisms such as looking for drawers and cabinets are not tedious, they are causing a total immersion. The realism of the action is belied by the fact that it is unrealistic when you really think about it.

He discusses one of the beginnings of the game after your first shootout with an enemy gang when Dutch orders Morgan to search the house:

[T]The game stops so Morgan can open each drawer slowly. When you find an item you can pick up, you pick it up slowly and gently. And then you do the same thing with everything you find in the same drawer.

It's a painfully laborious process, but worse: I do not look in the drawers. […]

When I search for my keys or something, it's a complicated process of moving objects at random, with both hands. And it's at home. If I looted a hut in the middle of the mountains after killing a group of rival gang members, I will not allow myself to slowly hold a pack of cigarettes as a precious possession. I'm going to rip the drawers and put them in search of something precious.

Immersion is a fun word when it comes to video games. Certainly the beautiful mountains, the footprints in the snow, the mud on your coat – all these things create a feeling of being in this world. But it is always a game and the distinction between what matters for the game and what matters to our sense of immersion will always be clear.

For example, Rockstar uses your horse's saddlebag to store weapons, limiting the number of people you can wear at any time and asking you to trade them for your horse. It's immersive, of course, but as recently pointed out by my colleague Paul Tassi, you can still carry tons of bottles and cans – far more than realism dictates:

Where to find balance is in place for the debate. I will say that I prefer fast looting to realistic looting. I would rather be able to just click a button and move on when I skin an animal than see the animation unfold. I prefer to be immersed in the perspectives and history of the game than in every detail. But where to draw the line?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is so cool, awesome, avant-garde game, both a huge AAA blockbuster and much of what makes AAA games popular. I love it about it. It sounds like an independent game in some ways, but with a huge budget and sales up to it.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

I still have a long way to go Red Dead Redemption 2. I am enthusiastic about the trip and I dread all at once. Like traveling on a very long distance. It's exciting, but staying in airports and long flights is exhausting. There is a lot of that in Red Dead Redemption 2, Although it is riding and slogging through the camp rather than airports and flights.

I have not really decided on this game, obviously, not quite. I like it and it frustrates me endlessly. And it's good. I had used to watch a lot of old movies from Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, and even though Red Dead Redemption 2 This is not the revolutionary version we were hoping for, but the best cowboy game I have ever played.

It must count for something.

You can read our official Red Dead Redemption 2 see here again.


"The guests do not come in because of the obvious things we do, the screaming things, they come back because of the subtleties, the details, they come back because they find out something that they imagine nobody's 39, had never noticed before Something in which they fall They are not looking for a story that tells them who they are, they already know who they are.They are here because they want to have a glimpse of what they might be.The only thing your story tells me, Mr. Sizemore, is who you are. "

~ Dr. Robert Ford, "Westworld"

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful and frustrating game.Credit: Rockstar Games

What a strange game Red Dead Redemption 2 is, and I mean that as a good and a bad thing. I have a story of love / hate with Rockstar's latest masterpiece, and it suits me. Most.

On one side, my jaw constantly falls in front of the beauty of the vast and vast border of the game. On the other hand, I feel strangely confined by its missions and its structure.

I find myself alternating between a sense of fear over the scope of all this – the beautiful music, the snow-swept peaks and the sprawling forest – and a sense of fear of having to search another hut or loot another field of corpses.

I am intrigued by the strange systems, the lack of quick return to the camp (although there is a workaround, somehow) the lack of maneuverability of the controls, slowness and l ;boredom.

Then I find myself laughing under the spell of his humor. The drinking scene with Lenny was brilliant and hilarious. Dialogue and play are so good sometimes that I find myself completely absorbed. It's not just one of the best video games ever created, it's one of the best westerns ever created, and I'm not just talking about video game westerns. It's an epic masterpiece and a frustrating job at a time.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

What a strange and wonderful game.

I like that Rockstar does not shoot shots here. I like the fact that they have a strong author's voice. I am glad it is not a generic game of the open world like so many others, and that it is filled with mechanisms really different from those we have seen in previous Rockstar titles.

But I hate going through the camp so slowly. I hate the fact that so many times this game allows us to do exactly what it wants rather than let us explore freely. I want more of that Deus Ex the freedom to tackle everything on my own terms. I want more of this glorious Legend of Zelda: Breath of Nature System-based gameplay that rewards experimentation and freedom. BOTW gives you a set of tools and a sandbox in which you can play and then frees you. Trial and error is the most basic mechanics of this game.

Of course, in this game, I wanted maybe a little more story. Maybe what I really want is something in between these two extremes. Something with a strong story and great characters that still gives me the freedom to really explore and experiment with gaming systems.

The man in black from WestworldCredit: HBO

I think Jeff Grubb is doing a great job in summarizing the problem of the game's containment structure when he compares it to Westworld:

I've seen a lot of people compare Red Dead Redemption 2 to the HBO sci-fi drama Western world. And although I know it's already happening to evoke this series in relation to Red Dead Redemption 2, I think it's important to note that this game has nothing to do with Western world.

Both are complicated cuckoo clocks with written stories, but that 's not why people go to the West World attractions park. They go there because they can affect it. The robotic characters that make up the attraction have deep systems that respond to and react to the decisions of the player characters. This allows unique experiences to emerge from written stories.

Red Dead Redemption 2 does not have that.

This is an excellent point. Obviously, we are far from the technological advancement of From Westworld fiction, but we can always strive for narrative systems that only video games can really achieve. Rockstar is too close to a more rigid narrative approach. I want a longer leash. Maybe it will be Red Dead Online is all about.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

Grubb also points out that mechanisms such as looking for drawers and cabinets are not tedious, they are causing a total immersion. The realism of the action is belied by the fact that it is unrealistic when you really think about it.

He discusses one of the beginnings of the game after your first shootout with an enemy gang when Dutch orders Morgan to search the house:

[T]The game stops so Morgan can open each drawer slowly. When you find an item you can pick up, you pick it up slowly and gently. And then you do the same thing with everything you find in the same drawer.

It's a painfully laborious process, but worse: I do not look in the drawers. […]

When I search for my keys or something, it's a complicated process of moving objects at random, with both hands. And it's at home. If I looted a hut in the middle of the mountains after killing a group of rival gang members, I will not allow myself to slowly hold a pack of cigarettes as a precious possession. I'm going to rip the drawers and put them in search of something precious.

Immersion is a fun word when it comes to video games. Certainly the beautiful mountains, the footprints in the snow, the mud on your coat – all these things create a feeling of being in this world. But it is always a game and the distinction between what matters for the game and what matters to our sense of immersion will always be clear.

For example, Rockstar uses your horse's saddlebag to store weapons, limiting the number of people you can wear at any time and asking you to trade them for your horse. It's immersive, of course, but as recently pointed out by my colleague Paul Tassi, you can still carry tons of bottles and cans – far more than realism dictates:

Where to find balance is in place for the debate. I will say that I prefer fast looting to realistic looting. I would rather be able to just click a button and move on when I skin an animal than see the animation unfold. I prefer to be immersed in the perspectives and history of the game than in every detail. But where to draw the line?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is so cool, awesome, avant-garde game, both a huge AAA blockbuster and much of what makes AAA games popular. I love it about it. It sounds like an independent game in some ways, but with a huge budget and sales up to it.

Red Dead Redemption 2Credit: Rockstar Games

I still have a long way to go Red Dead Redemption 2. I am enthusiastic about the trip and I dread all at once. Like traveling on a very long distance. It's exciting, but staying in airports and long flights is exhausting. There is a lot of that in Red Dead Redemption 2, Although it is riding and slogging through the camp rather than airports and flights.

I have not really decided on this game, obviously, not quite. I like it and it frustrates me endlessly. And it's good. I had used to watch a lot of old movies from Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, and even though Red Dead Redemption 2 This is not the revolutionary version we were hoping for, but the best cowboy game I have ever played.

It must count for something.

You can read our official Red Dead Redemption 2 see here again.

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