& # 39; Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39 ;: The Hunter Master Guide to Track, Kill and More


There are different ways to help your community and yourself to support Red Dead Redemption 2. This includes burglary of stores, carrying out small jobs or collecting premiums for the local sheriff. The safest way to keep everyone happy, however, is to hunt in the wild. Animals ranging from the smaller raccoon to the bigger bear are available for hunting, but hunting Red Dead Redemption 2 do not just kill the animal. You must use the appropriate method to kill each target and use the corpse properly once you are done. here are the Red Dead Redemption 2 hunting tips that you need to know.

Check out our quick travel guide, the beginner's guide, the cheat code guide, the fishing guide and the horse guide to get help for Red Dead Redemption 2.

Track your target

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Before you kill an animal, you must obviously find one to kill. If you do not have a particular goal, the best way to do this is to venture away from the city and start exploring the world around you, but if you need a particular animal, open your map. Here you will see icons representing different animals. If you find one on the map, you will find it more often.

Head to the desired location and start your search. If the animal does not appear right away, you have some options. First, you can click on the analog controllers to activate Eagle Eye, which will display the nearby animal trails.

You can also try making baits. This can be done by creating a camp and opening the Craft menu, although you have specific herbs and meats on hand to make it work. There are different types of baits, one for predators and the other for herbivores, and you can unlock more powerful versions.

Once the animals are in sight, it is time to study them. Look at one of the animals – you can use binoculars if they are far away – and look in the lower right corner of the screen to see their rankings. One point represents a poor quality animal, while three represent a high quality animal. Use this information to determine which one you are killing.

Choose the right weapon, get the perfect skin / skin / skin

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Depending on the size of the animal you hunt Red Dead Redemption 2you will have to use the appropriate weapon for your decisive shot. If you do not do this, you will get a harder killing and too much skin damage to get the price, but it's no longer a sweat once you master it.

For small animals like foxes, you want to use a bow. An arrow should be enough to eliminate almost all these animals, but be sure to get closer before shooting. Very early, your endurance will be very low, which means that your shot will start to shake after a few seconds. Even smaller animals like raccoons require the use of a Varmint rifle. For smaller animals, you will want to use small game arrows, which can be made with standard arrows.

For larger animals like deer, you will want to use a rifle like the Springfield or the Rolling Block. These are able to remove most mammals at once in the head, and you will always have perfect skin if you hit them in the head. repeaters can to be used instead, but they are less accurate in range, and you should only take one shot, anyway.

Even larger animals called "massive animals" can be slaughtered with carefully placed sniper rifles and even shotguns if you use slug cartridges.

The only exception to this rule is for "legendary" animals. They are located on both sides of the map and will occasionally be the subject of a mission. You will not have to worry about damaging their skin. Destroy with your weapon of choice, including shotguns with normal ammo. Standard bolt action rifles also work, but you must hit an essential organ.

If you have a doubt about the weapon you should use for an animal, check your collection. As long as you have already studied the animal, the weapon suggested to kill it will be listed.

Kill your target

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Just like animals in real life, if a creature sees you running towards it at full speed Red Dead Redemption 2, it'll fly off, and it'll bring his friends with it. You have to jump on the animals you hunt by tackling them, and you can do some things to make it easier.

First of all, when you enter an area where you think you have animals, leave your horse several meters away. The horse's steps can scare the animals even faster than yours, but you want the horse to be close enough to transport the carcass later.

Once you're out of the horse, click on the left stick so Arthur crouches. This will force him to sneak and move more silently, allowing you to get closer to your target before taking out your weapon.

Once you are in position, it's time to take your shot. Choose the target you want to kill (more info below) and take out your weapon. Aim your head and take your time to align the perfect photo. If you can not convince the animal to stand up, press the square button on the PS4 or the X button on the Xbox One to contact them. This will give you a very limited window to take the picture before they lose interest.

Carry the carcass

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Once the animal is dead, it is time to use its carcass. You can do it in different ways, depending on how you use it. If you plan to give the entire animal to your camp, you can, for most animals, simply put it on your horse and let it go. Several animals can be stored on a horse, although only one "big" animal like a deer can fit on the back. Smaller animals, such as raccoons, can be stowed sideways.

If you use the skin or need meat, you can immediately skin the animal. Approach it and press the triangle or the Y button to strip it and take several pieces of raw meat. The skin should be stowed on your horse, but you can then pick up the carcass with the skin and place it on the skin to bring it back to your side.

Some larger animals, such as alligators, can not be transported to the point of death. If Arthur rolls an animal's skin and sticks it on his horse, rather than draping it over, it means the animal is too big to be stowed.

While carrying your carcass to its final destination, know that it is not stuck to your horse. If something sends Arthur off the horse, everything is fine with the horse and you will have to take it back. Make sure you do not waste your trip.

In addition, do not hesitate to bring your carcass to its destination. They spoil pretty quickly and if you do not act in time, you will end up with a useless and rotten corpse. This can happen regardless of whether or not it has been skinned.

Make use of the animal

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There are different things you can do with the various components provided by an animal, if you choose to strip it rather than give the whole carcass to your side.

Cooking meat is the first thing to do. Make a campfire as you would to make baits, select the manufacturing option for the corresponding meat and prepare all the pieces you have in your inventory. Press and hold X or A to speed up the process. You can then choose to eat the meat immediately or store it.

You have a few different options to know what to do with the carcass in addition to eating meat. You can bring the skinless carcass and the meat back to Pearson in your camp and give it all or part of it. If you give the skins here, they can then be used to make various improvements for your bags or around the camp.

The skins can also be sold to trappers scattered on the map. They are visible with a large paw print symbol and will pay you for your skins. This is not a good way to make money in many cases because basic animals will only bring you a few dollars.

If you find yourself in possession of an animal trophy, such as a paw, you can sell it at a fence. These sellers buy illegally obtained items, and if you do not want to see them, you can also turn them into a bauble on the fence.

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