& # 39; The Nuke Loop & # 39; is the final phase of Fallout 76, says lead designer


In short: Bethesda has not talked too much about what will keep Fallout 76 players in the game long term. However, during his recent screening preview, Emil Pagliarulo, design director, spoke a little about the involvement of the final phase of Fallout 76.

Fallout 76 is in less than two weeks of launch, but we already know a lot about it. One thing we do not know is what the final phase will entail. Each MMORPG has a hook that keeps the players interested and allows them to continue playing long after maximizing their character.

Bethesda has previously indicated that the final phase involved some way of using nuclear weapons, but the question remains: how does mutual interaction increase the longevity of the game? The studio revealed a little more about it at a preview event in West Virginia last week.

Most MMORPGs have something that allows players to keep playing even after mastering the basic content of the game. As a general rule, this involves things like dungeons and raids with super powerful bosses that have to be destroyed by several players. Rewards are usually weapons, armor and rare items.

Venture Beat attended this preview and learned a bit about Bethesda's hook for top players. It's not like other MMORPGs. There are no raids – there are no dungeons. There are caves that you can explore and beasts to fight, but you can still send them solo if you wish.

So what's the problem? What will keep people play?

The end of the game comes down to what Emil Pagliarulo, design director of Fallout 76, calls the "nuclear loop". As we already know, players can collect launch codes to trigger warheads. Once an area has been destroyed, several things happen.

"As you reach higher levels and you can get the nuclear codes and create one, it changes the region in which you get started," Pagliarulo said. "The creatures are shining. The flora is different. This is where you can get some of the highest level recipes and ingredients to make the best weapons in the game. We see this as a repeatable content loop. This is the main content of the final phase. "

Unlike the Fallout Games of the past, most of your equipment will be manufactured rather than found. Although Fallout 4 had a lot of work, it was mainly about modifying the existing hardware. It will be different for 76. Do not forget that these are the first cave dwellers to emerge after the war. Everything is destroyed, and you (you) have to rebuild from scratch.

Recipes are the main way to get weapons, armor and other items. There are approximately 700,000 objects that can be made. You can expect that plans in nuclear areas are more powerful, but also more dangerous to recover.

Will that be enough to make people play in the long run? It will be necessary to wait, but Bethesda indicated that it did not count only on the game at the end of the game to ensure its longevity. He plans to release content on the road.

"[The development team has] talked about future expansion, "said Pagliarulo without going into details.

Fallout 76 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 14th.

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