& # 39; Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales & # 39; Review


Tronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a derivative game in The witcher universe strongly inspired by an intense narrative, while offering a style familiar to those who love adventures on paper. This unique card is a GWENT solo tale that features intricate puzzles, mind-blowing characters and a fight for the player's life.

Do not get me wrong, this GWENT companion tale is very much alone and the CD Projekt RED team has done an incredible job in once again offering a complete RPG experience, albeit in a very different know through the journey of Geralt. If the fact that it's a card game is putting you off, give up this idea now because Tronebreaker goes beyond the genre and performs an immersive narrative flawless.

As a big fan of a wide range of RPG experiences ranging from D & D to Inquisition of Dragon Age, I went in Tronebreaker to have abandoned all expectations. I like card games and play them often, but if I was asked if this was the avenue I would like for a game Witcher tale, then the answer would have been a no hard. At least until I play and all I want to do is go back.

Who is Meve?

The tale begins with Meve, a fierce veteran queen of the Lyria and Rivia Wars. Throughout the course, she faces an impossibility facing an upcoming invasion of Nilfgaard. Consumed with revenge, the way to go for Meve is paved with chaos, death and consequences of the choice.

What makes this game so amazing, no matter how many hours are spent The witcher series, there's always so much more to explore and that's exactly what Tronebreaker offers. This game is for lovers of tradition, for those who like to get lost completely in a dramatic adventure.

The day begins


The game itself lasts about 30 hours, pretty much, and really relies on the player who builds his party. For those who are worried about a potential grinding, do not be it. The characters are all so unique and so "them" that building these relationships and advancing in the story is a real treat. Beginning with the only Commander Reynard at your side, the path of revenge begins on a very "timeless" note.

For those who are like me and who love the agonizing pain that BioWare has inflicted on us in the past, CD Projekt RED offers much of the same. Tronebreaker is filled with devastating choices and losses that will be felt hours after playing the game. Those who entrust me the most, will give extremely varied advice to the player, which will make it difficult to choose a path and not to feel " did I do something wrong? " And believe me … you will do something wrong. Every decision counts and some of them will come back to bite you in a massive way. Well, good luck!

As a fantasy game, players will encounter many predictable dilemmas: the fight of nobles, bandits, increased crime, despair and so much more. Tronebreaker makes these questions personal and even if you are (diabolical) to jump straight into cinematics, their stories will resonate with you on a deeper level than you expected. What also helps with this, is that the pace of the game is incredibly fluid, largely for the narrator of the game: The Storyteller. The progression is so natural that many people will be surprised to see how much habit want to put that title.



The game itself is divided into two rows turn by turn, which facilitates the management of the cards between scrum and scrum. This game does not rely on servants, but requires a "big picture" mentality that requires the player to be alert to his or her long-term direction. This means that it is not a card game card, although there are individual cards. Tronebreaker It is less a reactionary style of play than strategy and respect for the initial plan in combat.

The matches are the best of the three built so that if the right cards are played in the first round, a win is assured. Whether you are fighting human enemies or something a little more monstrous, the way the battle is organized is much more satisfying as it provides a more realistic feel. Whereas games like home are nice, it is very card by card in its basic experience. Tronebreaker talk first about the story, then cards, which is an interesting take for a card game.

On an aesthetic level, the cards – just like the whole game – are superb. I mean with everything I have when I say that this game is a work of art.


Overall, CD Projekt RED has been successful. I know that many are skeptical because it is not The witcher 4 but believe me, if you like this universe, even a little bit, Tronebreaker is for you. This game has just set a very high standard for card games and the overall design both visually and mechanically will satisfy this thirst for RPGs for each type of player.

If you like role playing, if you want to feel your soul torn from your body and the ice left in its place, but you still want more, Tronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Believe me, you will not regret it.

The adventure begins Oct. 23, 2018 for PC gamers on GOG.com, with an upcoming Xbox One and PlayStation 4 release later this year on December 4th.

WWG score: 5 out of 5

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