The November update of Assassin's Creed Odyssey will add monsters, quests and more.


The month of November announces as a busy month in ancient Greece. Assassin's Creed Odyssey receives a host of new entertainment this month, ranging from new quests to cosmetic clothing options. All these novelties also mean that the maximum level is increased by 20.

The highlight, at least if you're a fashion-conscious mercenary, is undoubtedly the visual layer that can be applied to the equipment, leaving Kassandra and Alexios strutting in their most fanciful pants, no matter the stats. If this pretty Spartan helmet is 10 levels below you and, frankly, shit, that's good! You can wear it on top of something more appropriate for your level.

If you're looking for quests, The Lost Tales of Greece could end up on your street. This is a series of quests that begins with The Show Must Go On. It allows you to play as a side actor and paint a not-quite accurate picture of the Battle of Thermopylae, specifically the last stand of the 300 Spartans.

Epic mercenaries accompany the new series of battle quests on land and at sea, a new mythical beast to beat and two new sets of themed objects around Ulysses. It's a lot and, above all, everything is free.

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