No more Nexus, No Go Files, Nest May Fly


Google Updates: No more Nexus, No Go Files, Nest May Fly

Google Updates: No more Nexus, No Go Files, Nest May Fly

TODAY IS the day where we gather up lots of tidbits about Google and its parent company Alphabet that did not make it into the main coverage, and bang on it in brief. You're welcome. If you want the longer stories on Google, bookmark here.

First this time, Google 's hyperactive renaming of products does not mean any sign of slowing down. Files Go, the (astoundingly) first official file manager for Google, Google Translate and is now Files by Google. Same app. Same UI. New name.

Google has something to do with it. So this love of Dark Themes is no bad thing. In fact, a dark theme can save up to 43 percent, while a blue light filter can save as much as 63 percent. More and more of Google's apps are getting a dark theme. Here's hoping that there will be a full system one in Android Q.

Nest, under the wing of Google, may be heading for an even bigger reintegration. Talks of a rebrand are circling and if it happens, you would not bet against it being under the banner.

Ahead of the vague announcements of Samsung's foldable phone this week, Google has confirmed that Android officially supports foldables. In celebration of this, it has created a new category in the Google Store. There's nothing in there yet.

Finally this week, it's time to go farewell to the Nexus range. Nexus devices are what Mummys and Daddys used before Pixels. The last software for the Nexus range was sent out this week. The Nexus is end of life, along with the whole range.

We're done here. Until next week. μ

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