Essential finally releases Audio Adapter HD, adding a high quality headphone jack


November 13 AT 2:47 PM
Dima Aryeh


The owners of essential phones are rejoicing because the company has finally released the HD audio adapter! This small accessory is magnetically clipped onto the Click-Connect connector on the back of the device and offers you a high quality headphone jack.

But do not think it's just a headphone jack. "My Galaxy S9 has a headphone jack!" I hear people screaming. But it is a DAC with a chip ESS Saber, a quality far superior to that of a mean headphone jack. It will provide better sound with nice headphones and can drive energy-hungry headphones (though Essential did it all right, of course).

The device is made from 100% machined titanium, which makes it lightweight and a bit pricey. The accessory is now available for $ 149 and is supposed to be limited edition. We assume that this accessory will not be available very long, get it on the source link!

Source: Essential

Dima Aryeh is obsessed with everything related to cars and technology. His time is divided between playing and repairing his race car. He also does photography during his spare time.

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