& # 39; Fortnite & # 39; disable the glider redeployment feature in default mode


Epic Games announced that Fortnite the controversial glider redeployment feature will be disabled in all default modes in a future update.

Sharing an update on the Epic Games website, the studio admitted that it "did not meet the expectations of a rapid iteration in terms of mechanics and communication" after the first announcement of the functionality of redeployment of the glider. After weeks of testing, Epic Games said the glider feature would remain enabled in the larger team modes to allow more testing, but would no longer be present in the default modes.

"We disable Glider Re-Deploy in all default modes from version v6.30," said Epic Games. "It will stay in the larger team modes (eg, Soaring 50s, Disco Domination, etc.) and Playground to allow ongoing experiments with this feature. We really appreciate all the discussions and encourage you to keep the comments! "

Epic Games first announced the release of the feature in October and said players would be able to redeploy their wings as long as they will have at least three floors before going down. This is a feature that was first seen in the Soaring 50s game mode and Epic Games wanted to test in a more traditional way, but the community seemed dead about whether or not the feature should remain in place.

Epic Games announced at the end of October that the glider functionality would remain unchanged. The developer shared another message on Oct. 31 that cited "positive results" as the reason for keeping the feature in place.

"We finished the first week of Glider Re-deploy available in all modes," said Epic Games late October. "In the meantime, we collected internal data and monitored your constructive responses. We understand that not all players agree with this change, but we would like to continue using this feature in the game based on the positive results. "

If the feature is disabled in all default game modes while Epic Games continues to test it elsewhere, it does not mean that the feature is permanently or permanently lost. The fact that it is kept in certain game modes to allow for an "experimentation in progress" indicates that there is a chance that it will become permanent, but it could also be completely removed.

Fortnite The glider redeployment feature will be removed in v6.30 update.

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