Top & # 39; Super Smash Bros. & # 39; Player currently under investigation for threat of rivalry


A Super Smash Bros. A player known in the competitive game world is currently under investigation by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police after threatening to shoot a rival player while he was currently banned for violent behavior.

According to The Blast, the police department responded to a call made earlier in the week at a local competition store. The Game Nest appeal was sparked after the discovery of screenshots online showing player Jacob "JK" Johnson making threats against another player, but also to all of the store's visitors. The threats in question included the threat of shooting at all those targeted.

This is the same player who would have tried to overthrow some of his competitors with his car earlier in the year. He was also previously banned from the Game Nest for the incident and other similar acts of violence and aggression.

Faced with the attempted manslaughter, he "apologized" and joked that it was simply a "bad publicity stunt" and that he was "in a bad mood". he was going to see a doctor after the blast. Now, JK is back in the limelight for a new explosion of violence, even at a time when gun violence seems at its highest level.

According to reports, the investigation is ongoing. The explosion indicates that a spokesman for the police department told them that when the force arrived, the Super Smash Bros. The player was already gone. Now the search continues.

Needless to say, his latest stunt earned him a permanent ban on the store and will seriously jeopardize his future in many ways. The owner of the Game Nest store even hinted that he was worried about his sanity, citing the pressure of being a "good competitor" to explain JK's mental declination.

"We are always trying to promote safety, not violence, and we do not allow guns in the store," said the owner, adding, "It's a huge scare for us and a serious crime. Although I know that some players might not accept the threats. Seriously, we simply can not risk getting it inside the store.

At this moment, the investigation is underway.

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