Artifact beta: Learn to play the first card game of Valve … and pay


Artifact beta: home screen
Enlarge / It's a beta! A beta that will take your money.

The next video game of Valve, a computer game called Card Artifact, will be difficult to review for a few reasons. On the one hand, it inevitably comes with the baggage of being "the next video game of Valve". It does not matter Artifact is, it's not one of the innovative shooter in the first person of society.

But the biggest problem, in the interest of critics, applies to all modern card games: cards, cards, cards. Gender and gender strategy depend on hundreds of things. Exactly how many are there? How do they interact with each other? And how can players get their hands on more of them?

We can begin to answer these questions with the Artifact beta, in which Valve insinuated us before the closed beta period (this period is supposed to start on Monday 19th for anyone who claims a beta key at various shows like PAX West). With only one day of play under our belt, we can not just "revise" what is proposed to date.

But we can certainly show you what's in beta – and it's more than a beta. For all intents and purposes, this is the final customer of the game in terms of tutorial, proposed modes and (most importantly) willingness to take your real money.

Let's start with the tutorial, which asks players to click on two simplified matches against a stupid bot. You may have seen our cover of Artifact earlier this year, which includes a basic explanation (and videos) about the operation of the game. But this is undoubtedly a better refresh, beat-by-beat, basic systems and rules that govern the game. We captured most of the important elements in the gallery above, so click on this one to get a reminder about how the game works.

We have already covered the Dota 2-me of Artifact and finally, his use of "hero" cards and the three-way structure (both similar and distinct from other digital card games, but they are distinctly different from the popular tastes of Magic: the rally). Note for Dota 2 hardcore: heroes are now divided into four categories of colors (red, blue, green, black) instead of the three categories of the original Dota 2 game (red / strength, blue / intelligence, green / agility). But the Dota 2 the flavor is otherwise quite rich with this one. In addition to the heroes being raised from the source game, ArtifactGoosebumps, spells, and hardware draw heavily on the MOBA source game.

You'll want to browse the tutorial, in part, to unlock ArtifactThe starting card game, which comes with a purchase of the game. Which means, this is not a free game. Your $ 20 includes a basic package of two fully-formed games (which you can remix at your leisure), a set of 10 random card packs (each guaranteeing valuable or "rare" picks) and five "tickets". "You will use tickets to enter specific competitive game modes, as shown in the gallery below, and the wins in these modes will yield more tickets and card packs, depending on your performance. these modes, on the other hand, mean that you lose the ticket.

If you want more packs of cards or tickets, Valve will sell them to you. $ 1.99 brings you a pack of cards, which includes nine random cards and a "hero" game, which includes a hero card and any other card that comes with the hero. To summarize: Each set of artifact cards requires five hero cards and these, as shown in the tutorial, determine the types of cards you can play in a given channel. All hero cards contain at least one hero-exclusive card, which is always mixed in your deck if you equip this hero.

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