PlayStation Plus 1 year at 33% discount


Just enough savings for this Spongebob game

If you plan to soon complete your PlayStation Plus subscription, you are in luck because the one year subscription to PlayStation Plus is now on sale at 33% at some retailers. At the time of writing, PlayStation Store, Amazon, GameStop and Walmart all benefit from the PlayStation Plus subscription at a great price for $ 39.99 – a price well below its usual price of $ 59.99.

While you can connect to your PSN account and get your subscription here, for people who prefer to align as they please, Walmart, GameStop or Amazon Agreement is the best solution because PSN will activate and stack automatically your subscription. . When you buy from Walmart, you receive an immediate digital code by email to renew or complete your PS Plus subscription at the time of your choice.

At the time of writing this agreement, no expiry date exists for this contract. However, since the sale of the Black Friday PSN will continue until November 27, we expected you to get at least a week off until the end of the offer. Note that the case is valid only for US addresses. Therefore, if you are in other areas, you are better off with the PSN case.

PS Plus Black Friday Deal

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