The spirits make the solo player of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate much more attractive


The Super Smash Bros. series has always excelled in a festive atmosphere thanks to its frenetic action and easy-to-learn mechanics, but the franchise has generally struggled to offer an equally fascinating solo experience. Although each slice featured a variety of modes designed for solo players, the most robust being the Super Smash Bros. Subspace emissary. Brawl, a full-fledged crossover adventure, none of these modes had the same lasting appeal as its standard Smash mode. The last entry of the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Switch, introduces some new options for a single player, in the form of Spirit Board mode and World of Light mode, and what we've seen so far, they seem to be exactly what the series needed for improve his solo experience.

We had the opportunity to try out the two new solo modes during a recent hands-on demonstration of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Like Subspace Emissary, World of Light is a vast solo adventure that unites the motley cast of the game against a powerful supernatural entity called Galeem. As we saw in the final of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct, the story begins when Galeem unleashes a barrage of light that reduces each character on the list – with the exception of Kirby – to the spirits, beings who have lost their body shape. As the sole survivor of the assault, it is up to the intrepid puffball to save the other fighters and put an end to Galeem's machinations.

Despite its initial similarities with the subspace emissary, World of Light differs in some respects. Although the campaign has some cinematic scenes, Nintendo says its story mode is not as developed as Brawl's. Instead, World of Light compensates for its lighter story with a sprawling world map, which features branch paths and dozens of battles in which you can take part. During these fights, you will gradually save other characters, who Then you can switch freely between you as you head towards the final confrontation with Galeem.

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Each opponent you face in World of Light is equipped with Spirits, collectible characters drawn from many video games. Just like the different equipment you could acquire in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, spirits are used to improve your fighter's stats and abilities. They come in two varieties. The first, Primary Spirits, gives a statistical impulse to your character. Depending on their class level, they typically have one to three locations that can be equipped with support spirits, which gives your fighter different abilities and attributes. For example, equipping Lon's Fire Emblem Awakening as a spirit of support will give your character a Killing Edge sword at the start of a match, while the Wind Fish of The Legend of Zelda : Link's Awakening increases the power of your special moves.

In addition, primary spirits belong to one of three categories: Attack, Shield Catcher, or Shield. Just like the elemental types in Pokemon, these coexist in a rock-paper-scissors style triangle, each offering an edge over the other. As a result, the battles in World of Light introduce a new layer of strategy into the series, as you will need to carefully examine the spirits to equip your fighter to counteract the different battle conditions imposed by your opponent's spirits. Defeating your enemies will reward you with their spirit and another game currency, which you can then use to enhance them and even unlock additional attributes for your fighters in a skill tree.

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Complement of the world of light is the aforementioned Spirit Board, another mode in which you can unlock the incumbent collectibles. True to its name, the Spirit board is designed as a quest board; you will be able to select the image of a mind that you wish to challenge and compete with a character-themed character who is equipped with it, as you would in World of Light (without the pitfalls of adventure game found in this mode). ). The difficulty of these fights is determined by the scarcity of Spirit that you face. They can become surprisingly difficult if you fight a legendary Ace or Spirit. Fortunately, even if you do not succeed the first time, you will be able to challenge the Spirit again after a certain amount of time.

With the introduction of Spirits, the new single-player modes of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's announce as the deepest of the series. The game will be launched on Nintendo Switch on December 7th. In addition to the new modes, he has the largest composition of the franchise to date, with 11 new characters ready to enter the game (plus five fighters not yet announced that should arrive throughout 2019 as a DLC ). You can watch some of the new fighters in action here. For even more on the title, check out our summary of everything we know about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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