& # 39; Pokemon Go & # 39; bring back all the Pokemon of the community day to a special event


Pokemon Go players will have one last chance to capture the Pokémon presented at this year's Community Day.

One of Pokemon GoThe most important success of was the introduction of the Community Day, a monthly mini-event that offers players a chance to capture a specific species of Pokemon during a three-hour window. Players can not only catch dozens of this species of Pokémon, but they (or its evolution) also experience a special move that usually makes it much better in gyms or raids.

The only problem with community day events is that you only have three hours to catch those Pokémon. Therefore, if you had other projects, you would lose a bit of a lag compared to others. Pokemon Go players. To help with that, Pokemon Go announced a special community day event that lasted the entire weekend and brought together all the Pokémon seen during the community day over the past year.

From November 30 to December 2, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Eevee, Dratini, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Mareep, Larvitar and Beldum will all appear in the wild with increased frequency. All the day trips of the community will also be available, so that players can evolve their best Pokemon during the event. This means that players can get Blast Burn Charizard or Typholsion, or Draco Meteor Dragonite if they were not actively playing the game earlier this year.

In addition, players will have the effectiveness of Double Catch XP, Double Catch Stardust and Double Incubator on December 1st during the community day typical of their region, combining all the side benefits of the Community Days of the past year.

The only real question is whether the weekend event of the community day will have an increased Shiny rate. Although Bright Pokémon are generally quite rare, their appearance rate is almost always higher during the community day. If the weekend event meets these rates, it could be a significant Shiny reserve for players.

We will have more analysis on this huge event as more details will be published!

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