The latest update of Kickstarter for Shenmue III indicates that she is still on the way to a release for August 2019


I believe

Many people doubt it Shenmue III will even come out, let alone deliver all the hype that has been built since the last entry appeared in 2001. I want to believe, but I'm extremely cautious right now: the developer Ys Net is trying to appease some of these fears this week.

After the announcement of the release date of August 2019 in … August of this year, everything was rather quiet on Shenmue front. The development seems to be proceeding as planned and we now have a new update of Kickstarter that assures us: yes, they are still on track to reach their target date.

After noting that "it's been a while since the last update," Ys Net said, "The final figures for total funders and contributors in all campaigns are available, so we want to share them with you today. 39; hui (contributors: 81,087 Total funding: $ 7,179,510 .A rather impressive score, is not it !? Seeing the final figures, each of us can not be sure! to stop feeling again the immensity of the support that everyone has provided to make this project a reality Thank you It remains now less than 10 months before the date of release of the film, August 27, 2019. All members the team give everything they have had every day to prepare for the trip, and we hope to continue to count on you. "

The update also indicates that 80% of contributors responded to polls and material rewards are created as we speak. Given that the nine-month delay is a clear improvement over Kickstarter campaigns that do not even solve all the details of the physical reward before launch (cough Powerful No. 9). On this basis, everything is fine, but things could always change.

Update 93 [Kickstarter]

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