The keyboard and mouse game could officially come to the Xbox One


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Microsoft and Razer can be partners to provide mouse and keyboard support for Xbox One, Windows Central reports. If implemented, it would not be quite the same as a PC or laptop because only one keyboard would be supported and only a number of buttons on a mouse. Although support for the mouse and keyboard can bring new gameplay possibilities to the console, it can raise other questions about equity.

Microsoft has promised keyboard and mouse support on its Xbox platform for years, but has not really delivered Minecraft. Meanwhile, third-party hardware has allowed to use a keyboard and mouse unofficially for a while, but recently, as competitive games have become more adopted by traditional games, their use has been controversial . Mice and keyboards tend to offer much more control and accuracy in certain types of games, such as shooting games and strategy games. Microsoft's official support for such capture options is exciting, but it has the potential to anger those who feel aggrieved by their opponents with better equipment.

Still, it's not like the keyboard and mouse players on the Xbox One would have a free reign. Like the documents obtained by WindowsCentral State, game developers who want to support the mice and keyboards would also be required to support the joysticks. Any mouse used would only be supported up to five buttons, as well. although the wheel movement. Most Windows-compatible mice would be supported, including wireless mice with dongles – although those with custom drivers are not supported.

Microsoft also points out that developers can detect which input option is used by the player, allowing them to make keyboard and mouse players play together, rather than mix and match. This is something that Microsoft's slides "strongly suggest" that developers do, although it also encourages tracking of how keyboard and mouse and joystick players compare themselves to each other. to each other.

Since creating a competitive game relies on an active player base, developers may not be interested in dividing their communities, but this will probably depend a lot on developer sensitivity and size and the scope of his game.

The implementation of keyboard and mouse support can cause some consternation among console players, due to the inherent improvement in the accuracy offered by a mouse. As Microsoft has indicated previously, it leaves developers to use APIs to detect third-party hardware that allows this type of input, if they wish. It's something that some developers, like Bluehole, have already supported.

Although no announcement has been made on the official implementation of such support, The Verge has confirmed with its sources that the keyboard and mouse support on the Xbox One is in course. Coupled with better monitoring of the use of controllers, it can lead to a more equitable gaming landscape and new genre options for console players.

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