Google Earth now allows you to measure distances and areas without distance, and we could not be happier


It's Monday afternoon and Google gives you a reason to waste your precious day of work in Google Earth.

The more Google improves its useful Google Maps service, the less people apologize for venting on Google Earth, what they should do more often. Today, the search giant has announced a particular change to its virtual globe application in the browser, adding the ability to measure distances in a straight line as well as the area of ​​a particular place.

The Google announcement indicates that the measurement tool is one of the features most requested by its users for the application. The company offers some practical applications, such as checking the size of a park in a neighborhood where you plan to move, or the opportunity for teachers to create interactive math problems for their students. The point is that you can do that on Google Maps, but it's a lot less fun. You can even do it in the complete Google Earth Pro desktop app, but it's not as simple or intuitive. The new measurement features are available on Chrome and Android today with an upcoming iOS version "soon".

This is simply an excuse to pull up Google Earth in your browser and play as if it was 2003 again. Have you missed the new tours and 3D features that were released last year? It's time to check them.

Once you've figured out how far it is from the tip of South America to Antartica (about 1,000 miles), dive into the news and discover the distance between the Red Hen restaurant that took out Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Red Hen Restaurant. attacked for this on social media (about 153 miles). Get randomly and find the approximate area of ​​Dollywood (approximately 2,787,486 square feet). Finally, know how much Bill Gates' house is bigger than yours (much bigger). You know, have fun with that.

Screenshot: Google Earth
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