Fallout 76: Beta, Release Date, Nukes


Three years after the arrival of Fallout 4, Bethesda is ready to continue its RPG series of post-apocalyptic science fiction. At E3 2018, the developer announced Fallout 76: the first predominantly multiplayer entry in the franchise. In this game, players will have to regroup to survive and rebuild in the wilds of West Virginia.

Fallout 76 – Official Trailer of the E3

Aside from what we have seen in a handful of trailers, we still have not much information about the upcoming title. But arm yourself with all the information we have. It could just save your life in the desert.

What is Fallout 76?

Fallout 76 is a multiplayer survival game in which players must cooperate to stay alive. After creating your character, you will go to a ruined (but still wild) West Virginia, where you can create your own structures. From there, you can group with other players, collect equipment and useful resources, and find quests to undertake in the vast world.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: Bethesda
MORE: Each Fallout game, rated

What is the story?

Like other Fallout games, Fallout 76 takes place far into the future, after a nuclear war ravaged by the United States. Survivors hidden in vaults manage to avoid most fallout (see what they did there?), Then emerge decades (or centuries later) to explore and rebuild. Fallout 76 will take place in 2102 – the first time ever explored in the series – and will focus on Vault 76 survivors as they try to rebuild what was best in the United States without repeating the country's mistakes.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: BethesdaWhen does Fallout 76 come out?

Fallout 76 will be released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 14, 2018. The game will cost $ 60 for a standard version. If you plan to play on Xbox, you can do it a little earlier by joining the beta. Just pre-order the Xbox version of the game, and Bethesda will let you know once its servers open.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: BethesdaWhat about special editions?

It would not be a major release of Fallout with a kind of ridiculous special edition. This time, the iconic Fallout gear involved is the iconic combination helmet of the franchise. (It has been on the cover of almost all Fallout games so far.) This edition costs $ 200 in the United States and will be released at the same time as the regular version of the game. Collector's Edition will be accompanied by a brilliant map in the dark, of 24 Fallout figures, a steel game case and a loot in-game.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: Bethesda

What will the gameplay look like?

Although Bethesda gave us some general about gameplay – building construction, survival elements, a world map four times larger than that of Fallout 4 – the company did not describe exactly how the minute game will work in minute. If this game is a bit like the previous titles, players will explore a massive world, collecting quests as and when. (This time, however, the quests will come from robots or data terminals – all other players in the game will be a real person.) There will likely be ways to improve your stats over time and certainly improve your equipment. Whether it's a campaign or an end game, nobody guesses it.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: Bethesda

What about nuclear weapons?

An element of gameplay that Bethesda explored during its E3 conference was nuclear weapons. Through intense and prolonged cooperation, players in this game will be able to find unused nuclear missile launch codes in state silos. They can then use these missiles to eradicate the basics of other players, or perhaps just use the threat of nuclear war as leverage. For a series that has been relatively unshakeable about the representation of the consequences of nuclear armament, this seems to be a discordant move, but it will be difficult to say until we see it in action.

Credit: BethesdaCredit: Bethesda

Does the war ever change?

You probably already know the answer to that one.

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