Amazon launches last-mile contractor-driven delivery program – TechCrunch


Amazon has had problems in the past for some of the challenges faced by his "last mile" deliverymen, but now offers those with entrepreneurial ambitions the opportunity to do more. Instead of going to work, drivers can opt for a new program where Amazon helps them set up their own delivery business.

The program will include access to Amazon's delivery technology, hands-on training and discounts on a variety of assets and services, including vehicle rental and insurance. the retailer says.

This means that drivers will not have to use their own cars, as in the crowdsourcing delivery program known as Amazon Flex. This gives them more space for the organization of packages, the possibility of using parking spaces for delivery vehicles and the possibility of carrying additional equipment, such as straps and carts.

Amazon estimates that profit operating a fleet of 40 vehicles. The company predicts that, over time, hundreds of small business owners will hire tens of thousands of delivery drivers across the United States, she says.

In other words, Amazon has just launched its own UPS competitor by offering rented vans, training and resources for those who want to drive for Amazon instead of Uber.

The retailer says that people can start their Amazon delivery companies with as little as $ 10,000. Military veterans can get this 10K refund because Amazon is investing $ 1 million in a program that funds their startup costs.

Business owners – who do not need logistical experience, note Amazon – will benefit from discounts on custom delivery vans. , brand uniforms, fuel, full insurance coverage, and more – treats the pre-negotiated retailer on their behalf.

This also addresses some of the problems faced by Flex drivers – gas prices would reduce profits too much; lack of insurance; "We have excellent partners in our traditional carriers and it is exciting to continue to see the logistics industry grow," said Dave Clark, Senior Vice President of Amazon. global operations, in a statement on the launch. "Customer demand is higher than ever and we need to strengthen our capabilities." As we assessed how to support our growth, we returned to our roots to share the opportunity with small and medium-sized businesses. enable new small businesses to train themselves to take advantage of the growing opportunity for online parcel delivery. "

Changes occur at a time when there has been a debate about the impact However, with this new program, Amazon could reduce its dependence on external partners as the program evolves.

However, Amazon will continue to Work with existing partners, including UPS and FedEx, for some time as Amazon's business continues to grow, they will need the help of these partners. to get parcels to customers in the foreseeable future – a fleet of rented Premium vans can not do everything.

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