Beginner's Guide to The Crew 2: Gain Followers, Level Up, Win New Vehicles


Ubisoft Ivory Tower has implemented everything with The Crew 2 an open online racing game that lets you not only explore the earth with cars, motorcycles and motorcycles, but also water in planes and fast boats. The range of vehicles and activities can be a bit overwhelming for beginners or those most familiar with a series like Forza Horizon but with a few tips and tricks, you can quickly become a qualified rider and watch your follower [19659003] First Steps

Finish Events to Win Followers

Unlike the original 2014 The Crew The Crew 2 does not have heavy scripted storytelling to get your character at the "end" of the game. Instead, you are responsible for becoming a famous runner by participating in events and increasing the total number of "followers" you have. Whether you participate in a sprint race, a motocross event, or simply make a loop in your plane for fun, you will constantly gain new followers.

Initially, you will be a "rookie" and you will only be able to compete with a few different types of vehicles, with your first unlocked free while you try different events. As you reach the "popular", "famous", "star" and "icon" status, you will unlock other types of vehicles and events to complete. It's not particularly difficult to click on "icon" in a few days, but you need to know what events to do.

Use the game's Overworld map to zoom out and get a view of the entire United States. on PlayStation 4, you can quickly pull the map by pressing the touchpad on your controller. From there, you can select any icon on the card to know the number of subscribers you will win, as well as the money you will receive. This will come in handy later when you have to buy vehicles to unlock new types of races. You can also quickly get to an event from this menu – no need to drive all the way!

Leveling Vehicles

There is another number you need to pay attention to. Each vehicle you drive has its own base level, and this number gives you a rough estimate of its performance in the races. When you select an event on the map, you will see the current level of your vehicle, as well as what is recommended for the competition. You can run if the number is not there yet, but you will find that it is extremely difficult to succeed.

To power your cars, motorcycles, boats and planes, you have to equip With additional car parts, the parts of the game "booty". These will fall at the end of a successful race, and you can use them to improve your tires, engine, suspension, and more. Although they come in different colors in a style similar to role playing equipment – purple is better than green, for example – as long as the number of loot is higher than the number on your current car part, it's worth the exchange

If you forget to pick up the loot you earn, you will find it in the mailbox of the head office of this discipline. If you forget in which discipline the event took place, its headquarters will be the same color as the event icon on the map.

If you hear a beep and your mini-map begins to flash, reward, "which contains extra loot." To keep track of it, keep rolling until the beeps become more frequent. will not find very often, but they are very practical to raise your level just enough for the next race.

What events do you need to complete first?

Especially early, the number of new events that you'll be able to do. You'll find that popping up anywhere on your map can be overwhelming, but we do not offer all these ways to gain followers, so we suggest you focus on these few specific types to increase your numbers right from the start.

Street racing – The standard mode for the most open World racing games, street racing in The Crew 2 will reward you with about 2,000 new subscribers s and can be completed in minutes. Street racing is harder than other events, but practicing them will go a long way toward building your skill.

Rally Raids – As Dr. Emmett Brown said, "Where we go, we don Rally raids are off-road races that usually take you through forests, swamps and d & # 39; 39, other areas that a car probably should not borrow.You have more freedom to choose your way and you do not usually have to worry about making super tight turns, but the follower reward is about the same as that of a street race.

Motocross – Motocross events are still races, but you'll be riding off-road on a course filled with big In spite of the dangerous facade, these are fairly easy events, and you can adjust your route much more easily than in a car, boat or plane.

Aerobatics – Flight of an airplane seems discouraged t, but The Crew 2 makes it easy. In aerobatics, you will usually have the task of performing certain tricks, such as jets or loops, to gain points. These are fairly easy and can be completed very quickly, and once the time has expired, you can usually continue to do tricks to gain more followers.

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