A Facebook bug secretly unlocked people you thought had blocked


  Facebook blocks the bug

Facebook is above all a matter of connecting with other people, but its "block" feature certainly has its place to avoid those with which you do not want to be in touch for a reason or another. This is a good option to have … until it goes bad.

And that is precisely what happened. The social network admitted that more than 800,000 people had been affected by a bug that meant people who had blocked on Facebook or Facebook Messenger were temporarily unblocked and could see the content that had been posted.

See also:

defense, Facebook says that the vast majority of people affected by the bug – about 83 percent – "had only one person that they had blocked temporarily unlocked". This will hardly comfort those who have found (or, in fact, are learning) that the people they voluntarily blocked could see their messages. By the very admission of Facebook: "There are many reasons why people block another person on Facebook, for example, their relationship may have changed or they may want to take a break at someone who publishes content that they find annoying.

In all, the temporary release lasts a week, as Facebook explains in an article about the incident:

As of today, we inform more than 800 000 users of a bug in Facebook and Messenger that has unlocked some people. blocked. The bug was active between May 29 and June 5 – and while someone who was unlocked could not see shared content with friends, they could have seen things posted to a wider audience. For example images shared with friends of friends. We know that the ability to block someone is important – and we would like to apologize and explain what happened.

When you block someone on Facebook, he can not see the things you post on your profile, start conversations on Messenger or add you as a friend Blocking them automatically defuses them if you were previously friends. In the case of this bug:

  • It did not restore the connections of friends that had been cut off;
  • 83% of the people affected by the bug had only one person that they had temporarily blocked unlocked; and
  • Someone who was unlocked could have contacted people on Messenger who had blocked them.

Facebook says the problem has now been resolved, but you might want to keep an eye open for a notification from the social network so you know if your account has been affected.

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