The future of Fortnite can look a lot like the Playground mode


Tomorrow, Epic Games plans to remove the Playground mode from Fortnite as a time-limited event designed to provide a more creative tool to the game's millions of gamers. The move will coincide with the much anticipated launch of the fifth season of the game. Although the reading list for all was only available for a short time, it had a huge impact. Casual gamers were able to train with their friends and better understand the game, while hardcore aficionados Fortnite created messages even worthy of Reddit and Twitter.

The mode, which allows four friends to jump into an empty card with a 60-minute time limit and a dizzying drop in the drop rate of building materials, has already produced a lot of viral clips. There are the players who recreated Mario Kart with the caddies of the game, those who set up domino effects designed to destroy half of the map, and groups that have made complex obstacles. without the need to press a button. Many players fall into the mode just to write zany references and messages to popular streamers by drawing them in the ground or they create absurd and impossible structures like double stacked octahedra the size of small mountains.

Playground is not without its folds. You can not control which items you fall with, forcing you to recover more each time a friend knocks you or you simply fall on the wrong side of a dangerously constructed structure. You can not fight effectively against your friends, because you can not select teams for, say, splitting into groups of two and let off steam. Epic plans to tackle all this in an improved version of the mode that will be released later this year.

Epic to the players when they announce that the planned changes mark a significant change for the game. Seems like Playground is only the first step towards a wider evolution for Fortnite as a whole. "The LTM Playground is our first step in what a complete creative mode looks like in Fortnite," the developer wrote on Reddit last week. We do not know when it will arrive or what form this "creative mode" will take, but it could represent a bolder future for Fortnite who exceeds his current competitive shooter attributes.

Because, more than anything, the Playground mode feels like a true successor to Minecraft . It's a sandbox where you and your friends can have fun, get creative and build things without worrying about hostile and gay players who yearn for a win. This is the perfect variation of Fortnite for players who have begun to tire of royal battle games or who have never approached them because they are hyper-competitive and geared towards fire arms. Typically, much of Fortnite is dictated by the responses of other players to meet you on the map and your ability to handle the exchange accordingly. Playground completely removes this barrier.

For these players, like me, who became addicted to the Battle Royale genre, Playground represents a break in the monotonous cycle of the game. In our very first session last week, my three friends and I had fun with the game. Huge ramps of purchase and we tried to overtake each other on Tilted Towers, creating the most elaborate and outrageous structure we have ever seen. We then finished our hour with a sniper showdown inside four giant pillars built on the corners of Loot Lake. Most of the time, killing each other was the most boring part. It was the unexpected events – like accidentally removing the floor under my avatar in a furious mounting war or throwing us on a mountain in a basket with an impulse grenade – which made it a memorable experience.

It is easy to see the potential of this version of Fortnite especially if we take into account the unprecedented launch of the Epic rocket that took place in the game at the end of last month. Fortnite becomes much more than a royal battle game. He quickly develops his own intrigues and internal characters, and the entire game is backed by a massive online community that is obsessed with dissecting Easter eggs from the game and its new alternative reality elements. On top of that, the community is doing the hard work of creating a wealth of user-generated content that fills daily forum and social media threads.

Much of this community activity and construction of the narrative world and many more could be activated in the creative mode of Fortnite away from the competitive aggressiveness of his version of the royal battle. After many players complained of missing the launch of the rocket, the trolls decided to ruin their game and open fire prematurely, it is clear that the structure of the Royal Battle is in harming the meticulous plans of Epic. (All right, part of the fun of launching the rocket was the reliance you place on other strangers to lay down the weapons and watch the show together.) But there is so much goodwill from the community .)

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