These are the five worst features of the Galaxy S9


After four months of using the Galaxy S9 it's still one of the best phones Samsung has ever made. But no device is perfect, and my personal problems with it are nice and ripe.

That does not mean that I do not like the Galaxy S9. I do. This means that when the cost of the phone reaches nearly 200 Starbucks slats, Samsung has to think long and hard about how it can justify the staggering cost, especially with the constant pressure of the big phones that cost much less, like the OnePlus 6

With the [Note[19459] [19459004 imminent as the grand revelation at the Samsung press conference on August 9 and the Galaxy S10 presumed on the bridge for the beginning of 2019, the resolution of some or all following problems a long way to making these must-haves phones.

5. The native applications of Galaxy S9 are not good enough

Samsung excels at making hardware, but the native apps for, say, the built-in keyboard, the browser and the messaging apps are not as good as the keyboard Gboard's Google, […]] The Android Messages application that now allows you to read and reply to text messages on your desktop and on your phone.

Google apps are linked to Google services. This gives them a distinct advantage, like synchronizing your browsing history on the phone and the desktop. There is no way to do this with Samsung's apps. Google's apps are also better designed, faster to use, have lighter emojis, and more accurate autocorrection.

4. Samsung's alarm clock needs a wake-up call

You may think that taking umbrage with an alarm clock is downright petty. But get this: Even if you set the time of your alarm clock and select your alarm tone, if you do not do anything else, you are in a terrible surprise.


Whenever you set a new alarm on the Galaxy S9, Bixby takes over by default.

Andrew Hoyle / CNET

The first time I used the Galaxy S9 as an alarm, I chose Space Funk, soft and musical, and I fell into a soft sleep, to be awakened by a too aggressive Cylon, who speaks to me like a cylon Bixby News Briefing . It turns out that you have to exclude yourself specifically from this recitation of the morning titles if you want to hear the alarm tone you have chosen.

And if you set a new alarm, say an additional wake up time for weekends, the Galaxy S9 will not transmit your preferences. The addition of a new alarm activates the Bixby News Briefing and the tone of the alarm.

Samsung, usually a master of personalization, could easily get you to participate in the Bixby Briefing – an option that would royally avoid annoying people deprived of sleep.

Zombie screen

Galaxy S9 dead zones – are they a myth? Are they the reality?


The galaxy The rounded edges of S9 are beautiful, but seem less sensitive to screen captures.

James Martin / CNET

Samsung issued statements recognizing that there are parts of some screens Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus that do not respond to touch . I'm not comforted by that. I had hoped it was only me and my clumsy hands.

But I noticed that there are some places on the screen that I tend to press repeatedly for something to happen, especially when I'm not sure. try to place my cursor on the left edge where the screen curves. I'm not sure if it's a reported dead zone or a problem with the curve recording my fingerprints, but it happens enough to make things boring.

Samsung says, "We encourage any customer with questions to contact us directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG."

2. AR Emoji is really so bad

I have already said and I repeat it as long as it will take Samsung to fix it: The animated emoji for the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus, called AR Emoji, is really bad .

Apple's iPhone X and future 2018 iPhones are already on track to enhance Animoji's magic with Memoji, the Apple version of 3D emojis. Unlike AR Emoji, Memojis are not made from scans of your face. You shape them one step at a time, choosing the characteristics as you go along. It also makes them more personalized. Even in beta, Memoji already looks like AR Emoji.

The Galaxy S9's AR emoji are scary and super-limited and … watch this video, and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Watch this:

Galaxy S9 Emoji AR: How are they?


1. You can not customize the Galaxy S9 Bixby Voice Button

The dedicated button on the left side of the Galaxy S9 opens the Bixby Voice app, Samsung's answer to the Apple Siri acolyte and Alexa from Amazon. But this button does not open any other application.

You can disable Bixby Voice, but you can not replace it with another application you prefer to use instead, which makes this button totally useless. I find it useless and hostile that Samsung prefers to give you a dead button than to let you open the application of your choice.

On the poster:
See also:

Siri vs. Google vs. Assistant Bixby


Samsung should double Bixby Voice for phones and other electronic devices in his family of devices (think of refrigerators and TVs), and that could be good for the business, it is heavy for people who use the devices. Samsung can brutally force Bixby all he wants (see number 4 in this list), but that does not mean that I will use it.

Are you a Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus user with an ax to grind? Reply in the comments below. Or, for a dose of positivity, here are the six best things about the Galaxy S9 .

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