The AI ​​Colonial Marines enemy was broken due to a typo


Criticized by players, fans of the Aliens franchise and the main publications on games, Aliens: Colonial Marines for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 was an undeniably terrible game. Twinfinite called it a "massive disappointment" at the time. One of the biggest problems of the game is its broken AI, but apparently it can be easily corrected by correcting a fault in the game files.

As on Resetera, the moderator jamesdickinson963 was able to correct the terrible AI of the game by correcting simply the "teather" to "tether" type of the .ini file. This misspelling in the .ini file greatly hampers the ability of the enemy AI because it prevents the loading of important AI parameters.

Normally, the Xenomorphs in Aliens: Colonial Marines would rush blindly to kill you and your team or remain idle from time to time. Correcting the typo makes enemies more compelling opponents, making them more responsive to their environment since they hide behind the cover before attacking.

While AI improvements seem exciting, you should not immediately jump into Aliens: Colonial Marines. copy of the game. It is worth noting that the repair of the typo does not fully fix the enemy AI, but only improves a little bit. There are also other problems to solve, such as its dated graphics, numerous bugs and flaws, linear levels, dull FPS gameplay, and so much more.

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